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Modern Workplace: At the heart of great teams is great communication

The first day of UC Expo 2016 at Olympia in London has kicked off and we are all excited of what these two days have in store. We live in a fast-paced world of profound change and digital transformation, and the way we work and communicate with each other is changing every day. Recent research by UC Expo, conducted amongst 1000 UK office workers, found that 68% of UK office workers believe that collaborative and flexible working will replace the traditional office. This is why Microsoft is focusing on the Modern Workplace and how reinventing the productivity and business processes with benefit each of us. We invite you to learn more about how Microsoft can empower you to innovate, to be and stay nimble and ultimately to succeed. And here’s how.

Empower every person and every organisation on the planet to achieve more

Your passion for what you want to do in your organisations is driving how Microsoft thinks about technology. You are setting the technology agenda for our industry.  We know that however advanced our technology may be, it’s only useful if it helps you succeed, which is why we’re focused on delivering flexible platform and productivity solutions that become essential but invisible – that help every individual and every organisation achieve more – that connect old and new, theirs and ours and work anytime, anywhere and on any device.

Empowering your mobile employees

Digital Disruption Is Happening Right Now

Digital disruption is happening now in companies large and small, and yet, we are still largely running our organisations the way we always have.  Doing the same things repetitively, at scale and with a focus on maximum efficiency. But a shift is underway. In the real-time, mobile-first, cloud-first world, these are no longer the best strategies for success or even survival; agility and flexibility are increasingly important alongside efficiency.

­UC Expo_ and skype for businessAt UC Expo 2016 Day 2 Keynotes “The Modern Workplace” will be delivered by Andrew Sinclair, General Manager – Product Marketing, Skype for Business. In early 2015, Microsoft introduced this focused series of sessions and interviews covering the pertinent topics needed to succeed in today’s technology-driven businesses. The keynote brings to life some of the key topics covered throughout the Modern Workplace series; The Secure Cloud, Modern Productivity and Teams and Meetings.

Our Modern Workplace live webcast series offers you access to entrepreneurs and industry leaders who are changing the future. If you can’t make the Andrew’s Keynote then you can sign up to our long running Modern Workplace webcast series below.

Hear from experts and get access to insights

modern workplaceThe Modern Workplace

Today’s modern workplace is changing and Microsoft is no exception. Our employees collaborate around the world from almost any location; our people lead busy lives and fully embrace the work-from-anywhere philosophy. When we think of the challenges facing humans and organisations, we are focused on how we can help address these while empowering people and organisations to be more productive, on their own terms.

So that’s why we think of these three areas:

Built for teams and networks – In a recent global census, 96% respondents cited Communities of Innovation as the most important thing they looked for in a co-working space. People want to be in spaces that give them access to new ideas, accelerate their learning and increase innovation.

Connect your teams in real time

Personal and organizational insights – Information and data are increasing at rates never witnessed before. The volume of communications is also exploding. By 2020 the digital universe – the data we create and copy annually – will grow by a factor of 10 – from 4.4 zettabytes (or 4.4 trillion gigabytes) in 2013 to 44 zettabytes.

Find out how Office 365 can help

People centric security – People centric is our aspiration, a relentless focus on empowering people without compromising compliance or security. Too often an extreme is chosen, security at the expense of productivity, or flexibility at the cost of protection. We are focused on making security a natural part of the tools that people use and are comfortable with every single day.

Learn why Office 365 is most trusted

If there’s one takeaway from Microsoft sessions, it’s this: It’s not voice. It’s not cloud voice. It’s one platform for meetings and voice. We’ve listened to our customers and the capabilities we are introducing today are helping address key business problems and initiatives that:

  • Support initiatives to reduce real estate costs by supporting more flexible and remote work situations
  • Address issues with an aging PBX system
  • Meet mobility needs of executives and all workers
  • Reduce third-party conferencing and other costs
  • Provide agility and flexibility to easily expand communication services to new employees, acquired workers, etc.

Modern Meetings

Surface Hub and Skype for Business enable a new kind of modern meeting where you can join scheduled and ad-hoc meetings with one tap that take advantage of HD video and audio experience with intelligent sensors, microphones and built-in dual cameras. If you have not experienced the power of Surface Hub you can watch an online demo.

Watch a Surface Hub Demo

Skype for Business callThe Power of Voice in the Cloud

We believe people should be able to communicate and collaborate without borders and barriers.  We know that connecting with co-workers, customers, and partners is critical for your business, but too often communication is blocked by technology silos, distance, and security concerns. Skype for Business can connect you with anyone. Even people who are outside of your business can get the same amazing capabilities.

Take a free 30-day Trial

Skype for Business Preview

Help shape the future of Skype for Business for millions of people. Sign up now to test-drive the pre-release versions and provide your feedback.

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So How Do You FastTrack to Success

In many ways, your transformation is our transformation. Microsoft FastTrack is a customer success service that can help your organisation smoothly and confidently move to the Microsoft Cloud and deliver business results faster.

FastTrack enables you to strategically plan successful rollouts, quickly ramp-up new services, and on-board new users. Get started, just sign in to build your Success Plan today, create your organisation’s roadmap to on-board and realise value from the service.

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