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Azure Mythbusters: Building ML Models faster than you think

The text "Azure Mythbusters", to the left of an illustration of Bit the Raccoon.

Machine learning is hard. It’s experimental, we have to deal with really big data sets, and we have to choose all the different models and learn the theory behind all of the algorithms. Then you have to tune hyper-parameters and start deploying models.

It feels like such a high barrier to entry to get into the machine learning space, but fortunately there’s a no-code machine learning experience that can lend us a hand.

As part of the Azure Machine Learning Studio, you get access to the Azure Machine Learning Designer. This is a UI-based, machine learning module builder that lets you click and drag lots of different modules on your screen to build your own bespoke machine learning models.

Check out the video below, where we give you a closer look at Azure Machine Learning Designer, and how you can use it to get started on your own machine learning journey.

For more information on using machine learning with Azure, check out these useful resources: