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Bridge the digital divide with Windows 10

If your customers are enjoying 21st century digital experiences, why are your employees struggling with outmoded technology?

Most financial services organisations are facing this digital divide. You may have invested heavily in outward-facing digital services for your customers. But if you haven’t invested internally, your employees are probably using systems that are out of date.

With unprecedented levels of security, Windows 10 can act as a powerful catalyst for workplace change within your organisation.

Windows 10 provides a firm foundation for digital transformation to help you build an environment that all your employees can thrive in.

Transformation reportDigital workplace transformation report

We’ve commissioned an exclusive report from Freeform Dynamics, an independent IT analyst firm. The report contains valuable insights into digital workplace transformation. Find out how Windows 10 can help you to generate a modern working environment.

ROI for Windows 10Find out your ROI for Windows 10

If you’re considering implementing Windows 10, now you can work out your potential return on investment and total cost of ownership.

Take a look at our Windows 10 Enterprise Value Calculator.

Windows versionsWindows 10 vs Windows 7

For an overview of Windows 10 security features compared with Windows 7, and to find out how it’s providing a modern platform for modern challenges, here’s a quick comparison chart.

finance reportWindows for Financial Services

Microsoft can help you to digitally transform your workplace so that your staff are better equipped to service your customers. Access a range of video case studies and success stories from financial services organisations as well as recommendations for your organisation in our Financial Services area.

Download the Digital workplace transformation report by Freeform Dynamics

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