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Sanjay Ravi on Digital Transformation in Manufacturing

Manufacturing is undergoing breakthrough transformation. That’s one of the major themes explored by Sanjay Ravi, Managing Director WW Discrete Manufacturing Industry for Microsoft, at Microsoft’s 4th annual Driving Workforce Enablement through IT Innovation Summit in the Aberdeen. During his presentation, he explored how manufacturing innovation is accelerating with the adoption of technology such as cloud, IoT and systems of intelligence. Some of the examples of innovation he gave included semiconductor companies selling lettuce and gas companies providing car sharing services. But more than just individual companies, the connections between manufacturers and customers is evolving too creating connected business networks and connected services and experiences.
Here’s’ a sketch-note snapshot of Sanjay’s presentation giving a glimpse of digital transformation underway right now.

sanjay ravi on mfg

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Take a closer look at Sanjay’s presentation on digital transformation in Manufacturing below:

To find out even more about digital transformation in Manufacturing, download our eBook  Manufacturing, Reimagined, which explores how IoT is transforming the business of manufacturing.

Download the Manufacturing, Reimagined ebook