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Marketing Leader Interview with Jonathan Oliver

Jonathan Oliver, the Global Head of Innovation at Microsoft, shares his thoughts on Microsoft, marketing, and building an agile and innovative brand during an interview. Here’s just one of the questions that was posed:

How can companies make the shift from being reactive with their marketing to being more responsive and proactive in their approach?

All marketing needs to be responsive today. Gone are the days of big campaign broadcasts once or twice year where the brand then walks away. Your brand is only your brand in someone’s head…so unless you keep creating experiences that touch that individual, you won’t keep pace with the rate of change.

Whilst the crowd plays a critical and fundamental part to brand strategy, you need a balance of proactive deployment and craft, as well as dealing with reactive responses. The crowd should help shape your message, not create it.

In business as in marketing you need an emergent strategy – one that is agile enough to deliver your messages but also incorporates the audience voice.

You see what we have done with Win 10 audience feedback and hacks…that is the way forward of a lean thinking organization.

Read the whole Jonathan Oliver interview here