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How commercial banks can out compete their rivals

Going into 2016, during an ongoing boom in fintech startups, newly founded banks and alternative financial solutions (such as peer-to-peer lending), UK banks are coming under greater and greater threat of losing their SME customers.

Banks are no longer the only financial solution on the market: if they fail to innovate to better serve their customers and can’t regain SME’s confidence, even the big four UK banks can’t guarantee their future.

The state of SME banking infographic

How can traditional banks take on the challenge of insurgent’s like Metro Bank and Handelsbanken? How should they compete with firms like Funding Circle and Zopa who are moving into services they typically provide, but with redesigned business models and online delivery?

Download our free whitepaper and find out how high street banks can innovate in order to retain their customers and attract new businesses in the emerging age of financial choice.

Download the How to Really Know Your Customer whitepaper