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What can Windows 10 do for the financial services sector?

Financial services has always been a sector of the economy that is heavily reliant on data. Whether it’s real-time insight into stock prices, a detailed credit report to help with making decisions on a loan application, or demographic data to assess an individual’s insurance risk, having the right information is at the heart of any successful business.

This is more true now than ever. In today’s digitally-connected world, the amount of information the financial industry has available is growing all the time. Therefore, companies need the right solutions in place to help manage this and ensure that employees have all the tools they need to help customers, maintain profitability and be as productive as possible.

At the heart of this sits Windows 10. A powerful, multi-platform solution that ensures businesses have access to the financial software they need, here are a few key ways in which Windows can help.

A more personal service

One of the big trends in the finance sector at the moment is personalisation. There’s a growing recognition that in an environment where there is so much personal data available on customers, the days when a client would be placed in a broad risk group for products such as insurance are long gone. Instead, by analysing the information closely, organisations can gain a much better picture of an individual’s unique profile, and offer products and services accordingly.

But this is just the start. By using Windows 10 tools and devices, insurance agents are able to more clearly explain complex products to customers and, with access to the relevant data, deliver tailored solutions that are specific to each customer.

For example, Veripark Direct Sales Agent is one app designed specifically for Windows 10 that enables insurance agents to complete sales easily on a tablet. The tool can access all of a consumer’s personal and financial information, while its product calculators allow the agent to check the eligibility of the customer for a specific product.

Improving the branch

The use of Windows 10 tablets is not just limited to in-person insurance sales meetings. The technology can also be hugely valuable to staff in bank branches, helping them improve productivity and boost customer satisfaction.

Instead of being stuck behind a counter, staff in branch can use Windows 10 tablets to greet customers wherever they are. By using these tools, many customer transactions can be completed without the need to go to the main counter, cutting down on lines and ensuring customers get served as quickly as possible.

Windows 10 also powers a new generation of self-service terminals that feature interactive digital displays. This gives consumers the power to take control of their own transactions, as well as deliver relevant, targeted offers.

Boosting productivity and collaboration

Being able to share and access key data wherever users are can also help make financial institutions much more productive. Fast, responsive tools allow employees to collaborate on complex projects and reduce the amount of time wasted waiting for processes to be approved.

For example, Metro Bank has adopted Windows 10 tools to allow its employees to work smarter, and this has had a clear impact. Employee productivity has improved by an estimated 15 per cent, while the firm’s collaborative approach to credit review have taken two days out of the complex underwriting process.

Elsewhere, the ability to communicate instantly and create group conversations has led to RSA reducing its use of email by 37%, while still being able to share ideas and best practices across the whole organisation in ways that weren’t possible just a few years ago.

Download Gartner’s Preparing for Windows 10 PC Deployment report