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Log Analytics or Azure Sentinel – how schedule a report

In this post I show how you can schedule a report to run, using a Log Analytics query, its a frequent ask and one I have answered a few times in posts like this:

Question: Can I schedule a query to run in Azure Monitor Logs / Log Analytics (or even for Azure Sentinel) and email the results?

Answer:  Yes, I think there are two ways.  The first which I don’t go into detail about here is to provide a Azure Monitor Workbook – that way anyone with access can see the data whenever they need (you can also enable a download control if required).


However if you do need automation, please use a Logic App (playbook).  These are great for running a Daily/Weekly/ Monthly report schedule.

This is one of mine as a example:

1. The Recurrence – sets the schedule, this one runs on Friday at 23:00 – you decide when.

2. We use the “Run query..” to send the KQL commands and create a output.  I actually run two queries, as I need a Capacity report (shown) and a Performance report.  By adding a parallel branch you can do more or less.

3. Use an email connector like “send an email…” – as I use O365, to send the output to the desired people/team.


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Step 1: example

recurrence Logic App

 Step 2

I used a time chart, you can see the other options here:


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Step 3

I send a very simple email, with the output as an attachment.  You could also send via Microsoft Teams, or any other supported messaging or social platforms – Logic Apps has 100’s of 3rd party connectors?   You use Dynamic content (click from a list, to fill in the Attachment Content / Name field)

Email Logic App



Please see more details: