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Microsoft Surface in Financial Services

Getting financial services companies closer to their customers

*Spoiler Alert* Given the choice between predictability and volatility, financial services executives tend to choose predictability more often than not. Okay, so maybe this isn’t exactly breaking news. It does, however, highlight how challenging the current environment is for the financial services sector. Whether you’re a centuries-old high-street bank, financial advisor, or insurance agency, current regulatory uncertainty mixed with ever-shifting customer expectations makes for a level of volatility that could keep even the most seasoned financial services executive up at night.

Embracing Uncertainty

Some financial services companies are tackling this volatility head-on, by embracing digital transformation in the way they optimise their processes, empower employees, create new products and engage with their customers. For these companies, the Microsoft Surface family of devices can play a key role in their transformation. This could be bank tellers stepping out from behind the glass to interact with customers using a powerful yet mobile Surface Pro 4, or insurance salespeople and claims adjusters being more productive and proactive in the field with better access to data and insight on a Surface Book. It could also be a financial advisor walking clients through scenarios on a Surface Hub.

Security and Trust is Key

Of course, digital technology has to be trusted before it can be truly transformational. Because data security is of vital importance to any organisation, the Surface family has been designed so its devices can be managed just like any other Windows PC. This includes remote clean wipe functionality to ensure data isn’t lost when employees leave. Coupled with the in-built security features of the Surface devices like BitLocker, TPM, Windows Defender, and Secure Boot, financial organisations can be sure that security is not compromised.

Whether you’re looking to transform your bank branches into customer hubs, streamline your processes and services or empower your employees: there’s Surface solution that can help you get there faster.

Read more about it in our new whitepaper, Improving the Customer Experience: Microsoft Surface in Financial Services.

Download Improving the Customer Experience now.