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Cloud services: A view of legal sector guidance

The Law Society of England and Wales (the “Law Society”) and the Solicitors Regulation Authority (“SRA) have separately issued guidance setting out requirements and recommendations for solicitors using cloud computing solutions. Microsoft offers its approach in this paper (the “paper”) to such guidance. The paper articulates our view of how, as a cloud service provider, Microsoft enables firms to meet the standards and recommendations set out in such guidance and their compliance obligations.

In addition to the paper, Microsoft provides a range of tools and information for customers and potential customers on its Trust Center and Service Trust Portal to support firms through their regulatory due diligence and risk assessments.

This paper is a continuation of our support to legal sector businesses in their due diligence and risk assessment activities. Indeed, we believe one of the keys to successful cloud deployment is solicitors firms and CSPs working together to identify, monitor, mitigate risk and enable compliance.

Download the Legal Sector Guidance whitepaper