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A compass that always points back to your desk isn’t going to make you more productive

Is anyone ever happy with how productive they are? The subject is always good fodder for endless corporate life cartoons featuring gags about distractions, caffeine intake, absurd productivity graphs, return-to-desk compasses and to-do lists, to name a few. And the number of self-improvement guides on the subject could fill miles of library shelves.

Definitions of productivity are thick on the ground too, but in everyday business terms it’s also known as “reducing overheads”, “increasing profit margins”, “getting more output from less input” and “increasing efficiency”.

Working with change is the norm

While company cultures try to get the human side of productivity right, what else can help a company work at its productive best? In business today, change is a norm we have to live and work with, as are widely dispersed work forces.

Microsoft believes everyone within an organisation should be empowered to achieve more, whatever they do, wherever they are, whatever the context. Such an approach calls for a seamless way of working and surely businesses that can empower their people in this way can expect to be more productive.

Employees work better with a good user experience

A good place to start is by recognising that user experience doesn’t have to be just customer-facing. By ensuring workers have a good user experience when working with technology, businesses can see employee satisfaction soar – all while reducing training costs and the number of human errors, and increasing efficiency. All are productivity related too – in an upwardly direction. Through Microsoft Dynamics 365, companies can see all their business applications, data, documents, and devices come together—with one unified user experience that gives them greater control over their finances and operations, while delivering the insights that can help them build and maintain profitable customer relationships.

Businesses need to move fast

When businesses are more collaborative, efficient and productive, they can spend more time focusing on strategic priorities. They develop almost an innate agility to evolve quickly and to know what they’re going to do next that will differentiate them and keep them ahead. All while remaining productive.

How do you get into that position? You can always try pointing your compass towards Microsoft Dynamics 365. It provides an engaging, modern user experience that integrates Outlook and Excel into business processes, roles and jobs. So, employees can stay in the context of their task and improve productivity. Discover more and meet the companies already improving their productivity by using Dynamics 365 – watch the video now or download this free eBook to gain a competitive edge by automating your digital business processes.

Download eBook: Transform business productivity and empower your employees