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From the nineties to the twenty-tens with ERP

Back in the nineties, Nirvana, Oasis and Radiohead were some of the world’s most influential bands, while movies like Reservoir Dogs, Jurassic Park and Titanic became box office smashes. At the same time, in the world of work, enterprise resource planning (ERP) became the darling of business-process-management software. Since those final years of the twentieth century, rock stars and blockbusters have come and gone, but ERP has endured, as companies have continued to rely on it. While it’s not rock ‘n’ roll, maybe one day ERP will be honoured with an induction into a hall of fame for significant software.

In the run up to the cloud, ERP has been used consistently to manage businesses and automate back-office and customer-centric functions related to technology, services and HR. It has synchronised core processes and provided a window onto businesses –  all in the interests of efficiency, resource planning and cost control.

Cloud-based ERP accessible to most

Of course, now we’re into 2017, ERP has come of age. Mobile and cloud computing have changed the way businesses can use it, making it accessible to most companies, even the small ones. The fact it can be cloud-based makes it all the more attractive. Who wouldn’t embrace the glorious combo of reduced capex and opex with increased operational efficiency? Who wouldn’t feel compelled to take more than a passing glance at Microsoft Dynamics 365 with its potential for driving business processes?

With digital business transformation and digital disruption being two of the hottest headline-makers in the business and technology news, we should consider the role of ERP in this new era and environment.

ERP should offer the flexibility to support the agility businesses need to create new products and services as they think and act on their feet. It should reduce complexity and help people perform better in their jobs, making faster, better-informed, more effective decisions. Consistency and interactivity are also essential as business processes and teams become more dispersed. Businesses should have real-time access to critical information, wherever and whenever it is needed, and across all platforms and devices.

Is today’s ERP music to your ears? Find out

Looking for in an ERP system today? What benefits can I expect? How can I get the most value from my investment and what are the must haves? See what analyst first IDC recommends and download the infographic below.

Infographic: Productivity Benefits of ERP – Build Business Success

Experience Dynamics 365 for Operations and click here to take a guided tour