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Adobe and Microsoft: improving customer experience

Thelma. Clyde. Robin. Barnes. Some things just don’t sound right on their own, do they? Whether you’re watching crime-fighting partners or admiring the business plan of successful entrepreneurs, the pairs rarely function as well on their own. Why? Because when you’ve got a big challenge to overcome, it’s always better to work together. No one can do everything (or at the very least, no one can do everything well). So, to bring out the best in each other, we need to team up. And that’s why we’ve got one more dynamic duo to add to the list: Microsoft and Adobe.

It’s a fairly new relationship, so it hasn’t yet reached the heady heights of pairs like Morecambe and Wise. But it’s going to help you be more creative than Jagger and Richards, and more successful than Ben and Jerry. More adventurous than Go Pro and Red Bull, and (a lot) more productive than Scott and Schrute.

And here’s how.

Working to improve customer experience

Microsoft and Adobe have teamed up to help businesses improve customer experience, and raise their marketing game.

Because marketing isn’t easy now. Audiences are tougher to crack, customers demand better interactions, and creative ideas are getting bigger, bolder and more insightful. While huge volumes of data give you a goldmine of information, an inability to use it often bars the way in. Plus, with new regulations coming in, security and compliance has never been more important.

If marketing campaigns are going to succeed, there’s a lot to do. And businesses can’t solve all of those challenges using one product, one company or one service. Now’s the time for partnering up, so businesses get the best of both worlds. Businesses, if they’re going to produce stellar marketing, need collaboration, identity, data and intelligence at their core.

Which is exactly what Adobe and Microsoft give. With this new partnership, people can bridge the gap between data and content. They can create an identity that spans across countries, so customers get the same experience wherever they are. And they can use data to deliver compelling, personalised experiences.

So, the big question: how?

When you combine Microsoft’s powerful, intelligent cloud and Adobe’s advanced marketing capabilities, you’ve got a system to attract and engage customers in relevant, exciting ways.

Signing documents can be a pain. You’ve either got to find a programme that lets you electronically sign it, or you’ve got to go down the process of printing it off and signing it by hand. It’s not always feasible – especially if you’re on tight deadlines. Now, however, Adobe Sign will work across all Microsoft products, like Word, PowerPoint and Outlook.

More and more people want to work from home, on the train, or in a coffee shop. With Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Stock, and Microsoft Teams, creatives can collaborate wherever they are. The chat-based workspace can speed up giving feedback, sharing ideas and making decisions. And soon, it’ll work with Adobe Experience Cloud too.

When you’re on a tight deadline, and you need agreements, approval and signatures from people in your team, every second counts. So, the combination of Adobe Sign and Microsoft Teams helps you speed up the process and ensure everyone’s involved. Plus, the dashboard has a tab for sending documents for signature, and a bot that lets team members manage and track documents.

Just like peanut-butter-and-jam gives you the perfect combo of sweet and salty, fruity and dry, Adobe and Microsoft give businesses the tools to unleash marketing campaigns that designed for today’s digital customers.

Find out more about the partnership here