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10 essential Microsoft IT security sources for CISOs

As a busy CISO, keeping up to date with the latest security trends, data and products can be time-consuming. It’s not always obvious which sources are reliable and what is the most useful way to spend your time.

So, we’ve compiled a list of ten must-read Microsoft IT security sources to make sure you’re always one step ahead of latest threats.

Twitter accounts

If you haven’t got the time to scour search results while on your lunch break or daily commute, these three Microsoft Twitter accounts could be the quick-fix content you need.

1. Microsoft Secure (@MSFTsecurity)

Keeping on top of your business’ IT security and ensuring your data is safe is a top priority. The Microsoft Secure team runs this Twitter account and it focuses on Microsoft security-related resources.

The account links to relevant security assessments, reports and news topics, such as GDPR and ransomware.

2. Microsoft Azure (@Azure)

For those CISOs who use Azure, this Twitter account provides a wealth of information, news and updates from the Azure team and community.

3. Microsoft News (@MSFTnews)

Although Microsoft News doesn’t exclusively specialise in IT security, it is the go-to Twitter account for Microsoft-related news, videos and events. What’s more, the account shares insights into Microsoft partner work as well as product information. If you run a Microsoft estate, this is essential information.

Product information, resources and documentation

Alternatively, for IT security professionals who need more in-depth technical information, these Microsoft resources are worth bookmarking.

4. Security TechCenter and update guide

The Security TechCenter is an important resource for security experts looking for the latest Microsoft updates, guidance and security bulletins. This website includes a library of useful documents, as well as multiple threat report pages where you can highlight Microsoft vulnerabilities or cyberattacks.

5. Azure Security Center

When you’re investing in cloud technology, you need to know that your assets are safe 24/7. Azure Security Center can monitor, analyse and detect threats to your cloud-based data, as well as suggest recommendations and courses of action. This page is particularly useful if you’re already using the product or if you are looking for that extra layer of protection.

6. Azure Security Center documentation

When you’re searching for that all-important information about Azure, the Azure Security Center documentation page is the perfect resource. Take a look if you’re after in-depth information or video tutorials to help you get started with Azure.

7. Microsoft Security Intelligence report and infographic

Microsoft’s annual Security Intelligence report can provide you with a deeper understanding of the security landscape, the security challenges your business may face and what your business should be looking out for. This report is updated annually in accordance to new findings and statistics.

8. Microsoft GDPR

GDPR is one of the biggest business hot topics of the year. Microsoft’s GDPR page contains a useful free benchmark tool and all you need to know about getting compliant before May 2018.


If you’re looking for more detailed information, without the impersonal technicalities that come with product pages and documents, take a look at our blog pages.

9. Official Microsoft Blog

The official Microsoft blog contains an array of content surrounding Microsoft products, partners, news and relevant books. Although it’s not exclusively security-related, its wide range of content is sure to enthuse and inspire anyone in the security field.

10. Microsoft Secure Blog

Microsoft Secure is a portal dedicated to the latest security trends and Microsoft security products. This is an extremely valuable resource and includes many blog posts that will be of use to any business.

Discover more

When it comes to IT security, reading can only get you so far. If you require more assistance or support, please contact us or attend one of our specialist cloud workshops.