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Banking and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Our digital world is changing every day. New technologies are re-framing the way we work and live, disrupting business models and challenging society to rethink everything. In this podcast series, members of Microsoft’s Digital Advisory Team discuss the importance of key trends, developments and events and how they are leading to a transformation of the digital enterprise.

How do we make sense of the forces driving disruption in the retail banking market? As a leader, how do you set and execute strategy in a world of relentless change? Is it chaos or is it something we can understand through looking at the lessons of the past?

In this podcast Richard Potter, Chief Technology Officer for Microsoft Services in the UK and Symon Garfield, a Digital Advisor in Microsoft’s Financial Services practice seek to make sense of the huge forces of disruption in retail finance.

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Richard Potter headshot

Richard Potter, Chief Technology Officer – Microsoft Enterprise Services UK

“We live in a world that is changing every day. Business models, customer experience and operational processes are not just being re-invented, they’re often being circumvented entirely. That is our digital world – it’s extremely challenging but it’s also the basis for great opportunity. I work with our customers to exploit today’s transformational opportunities and enable their businesses to change their world. Every day.”

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Simon GarfieldSymon Garfield, Digital Strategy Advisor – Microsoft Enterprise Services UK

“A digital strategy advisor with Microsoft Enterprise Services, and a doctoral researcher. I work with the leaders of financial services organisations to business leaders to re-imagine and bring to life the ways in which digital technologies can open new ways to transform customer interactions, create flexible, engaging and innovative workplaces, optimise operations, and create new business opportunities. My research focuses on the ways in which emerging technologies, particularly artificial intelligence, the Internet-of-Things, and Blockchain, will impact the future of work for individuals, organisations and society.”

Find Symon on LinkedIn