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How to use data to empower your workforce

Customer experience is becoming more and more important. Take Amazon Prime and Netflix for example–they’ve completely changed expectations around online shopping and video streaming. People have more choice than ever, and it’s the organisations that are supported by technology, people, and processes that disrupt their industries and become successful.

Intelligent services like Dynamics 365 can help modernise business processes, better support employees, and improve the way they meet the needs of customers. It allows you to transform fragmented and frustrated organisations into productive, data driven organisations that drive great customer experiences.

As a decentralised global organisation, Compass Group found it difficult to get a handle on what teams were following processes correctly, and what their best practices were. They decided to harness the power and versatility of Dynamics to improve productivity.

“The Dynamics 365 global implementation was a massive success, we’ve rolled out in over 40 countries using 8 different languages and our staff still find the application very intuitive and user-friendly,” says Rob Schobers, International Sales Support Manager and CRM Business Lead.

Because Dynamics is flexible and easy to use, it’s made employees more productive and raised the wellbeing of the team. “Our conversion rates have vastly improved, meaning our sellers are consistently hitting their targets. We now have a happier sales force and higher job satisfaction,” says Peter Cinelli, Head of International Clients & Market Development.

Towergate Insurance saw the same uplift in wellbeing and productivity since modernising their business processes through Dynamics. By providing a single, connected view of their customer, Towergate’s brokers can now quickly and easily understand each customer’s journey and provide the best insurance cover suited for that individual. Now, instead of being viewed as just a transaction, interactions with the customer have shifted to a long-term relationship.

“For the first time, staff feel actively enabled by technology to do their jobs better and more easily, rather than being frustrated by it,” says CIO Gordon Walters. “Not only has it transformed the way they work and the experience for our customers, but we now sell better informed product bundles because of the ease of knowledge sharing and collaboration internally.”

These businesses don’t just use Dynamics alone but connect it with other Microsoft applications and devices to completely streamline operations and make it easy for employees to communicate and collaborate.

Premium Credit also uses Dynamics and have seamlessly integrated it into their other Microsoft solutions.

Dynamics gives them unmatched business intelligence by giving them the insights they need to benefit their business and customers. It presents it in a simple, easy to use interface that is fast.

“Seeing all the intelligence we have is a really powerful way of knowing what’s going on in your market,” says Mark Dearnley, CIO of Premium Credit. “Because they all work together so seamlessly, that has meant our journey is happening at least twice as quickly had we taken any other approach.”

The Renault Sport Formula One team use Dynamics for Operations connected to Power BI to call up data in real time and make important decisions faster than an F1 race car.

“When you look at it in terms of the efficiencies around improving how quickly people can do things, how easily people can do things, I’d say that’s where Dynamics 365 had the biggest impact,” says Mark Everest, IS Development Manager. “We can now create dashboards in Power BI, which gives team members almost free access to the data to consume in any way they want. The turnaround time for getting their hands on the data they need is a fraction of what it used to be because we no longer have this massive list of data access requests, which used to cause major delays.”

The link between modern technology and processes and a productive workforce is clear. By having easy and simple access to the tools needed, such as Microsoft 365, employees will find it easy to do more.

Once they can see results and insights from Dynamics, they will be an even more powerful workforce, working together towards becoming a better organisation with strong customer relationships.

Microsoft is proud to help enable thousands of organisations to digitally transform and improve their organisation – not just for the bottom line, but for the wellbeing and empowerment of the employees who drive that business.

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