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Meeting citizen demands in the public sector

Over the last decade technology has transformed the way we live, from the way we consume products to our day-to-day interactions with each other.

Hardware such as mobile devices, laptops and tablets mean we are always able to interact, while developments such as the Cloud enable us to work or access our information anywhere in the world.

With such transformation comes the expectation that every aspect of a citizen’s life should be easy to access online. Just as a citizen expects to be able to transfer money online, so too do they expect to be able to access public services online.

Last year, prime minister David Cameron set out his vision for a ‘Smarter State’ that, like a business, is “constantly adapting and changing, using new technology or new methods of delivery, to improve their products and reduce their costs.”

But what does that look like in reality? Using the health sector as an example, we take a look at how technology can help public services meet the rising digital expectations of citizens.

Improving the patient experience

Ensuring that citizens have a positive experience of care is critical for today’s healthcare providers.

The benefits of a positive experience of care in terms of outcomes are well documented, but measuring and understanding patient, carer and staff experiences can be difficult. Without this information, targeting specific areas for improvement is very hard.

As you will see in the video below, using digital solutions can improve the patient experience by adding in a more interactive service.

By using the software in the video, Greg has been able to respond quickly to Harry’s feedback and has been able to personalise the service, giving Harry a better patient experience.

But digital solutions can do much more as you will see in the next video.

By using software that enables social listening, hospitals can monitor and respond to feedback in real time and can use the feedback to make changes to a service quickly.

Both scenarios saw how Microsoft Dynamics can help the public sector.

Find out more about how Microsoft Dynamics can help the public sector here