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Improving public sector performance with Windows 10

Public sector bodies are under constant pressure to ensure they deliver a high quality service to their citizens, while at the same time making certain that taxpayers are getting value for money. But at a time when many organisations are dealing with austerity measures and restricted budgets, the need to do more with less is greater than ever.

That’s why having the right technology is so important for public sector bodies. Whether it is local councils, police forces or the NHS, having the most advanced tools available makes critical processes much more efficient, and gives employees the power to make the best decisions faster, with the benefit of all available information.

Find out below how Windows 10 solutions can assist public sector bodies and ensure they are working as effectively as possible.

Making government more efficient

For local councils, Windows 10 solutions offer employees better flexibility and productivity. 2-in-1 tools that combine tablet and PC capabilities into a single device ensure that personnel are able to access the same high-quality experience and apps wherever they are, so whether they are in the office or out in the field, they will always have the most up-to-date information at their fingertips.

When workers are out of the office, they will still need to keep in touch with their colleagues, so a strong communications and collaboration solution is also essential. Apps such as iBabs assist with this by making meetings more efficient. The paperless solution boosts efficiency and means staff do not have to waste time preparing printed documents in advance.

Elsewhere, local governments also need tools that help them take control of their ever-growing data volumes. For example, Glasgow City Council is currently embracing big data to enable smart city technologies, and relies on tools such as Power BI to make sure this is analysed effectively.

Transforming healthcare

Data is also transforming how the healthcare sector operates, and for the NHS, being able to take control of this through a single device that gives medical professionals easy access to all their patient data will be hugely beneficial.

Being able to cross-reference this information with drug information on the go, through apps such as Micromedex Drug Reference Essentials, saves a great deal of time and ensures doctors can focus on the needs of patients, rather than complex and tedious administrative work.

Windows 10 solutions also allow patients to take more control over their own health management. Tools such as integrated wearable technology can give individuals a clearer insight into their activities and offer real-time, tailored suggestions into how they can improve their own health.

Improving public safety

Protecting the public is always the highest priority for organisations such as police forces, and effective technology solutions that ensure they have all the data they need available make this much easier.

For example, police officers and commanders can serve their community better if they have access to real-time information. With the right visualisation and communication tools, they can quickly assess the situation of an incident, make the best-informed decisions, and then provide instructions to units on the ground – all from a single, Windows 10-powered hub.

Elsewhere, public safety inspectors can take advantage of tablet devices and digital documentation tools for reference when they are in the field, removing the need for printed alternatives and allowing them to submit reports on the move.

Download Gartner’s Preparing for Windows 10 PC Deployment report