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NHS Blood and Transplant partnership with Microsoft: All We’re Missing is You

Each year, NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) requires 1.6 million units of blood to meet the needs of patients across England. To keep up with the demand, they need 200,000 new donors each year. Even with help from partners like Microsoft, there’s still a crucial element to the blood and organ supply that’s missing. That element is you.

The infographic below shows you how Microsoft is helping to modernising the donation process, and how you can take part in saving lives across the country.


Donors can use the NHSBT donation site ( or  the Give Blood app (available for Windows, Android and iOS) to register and book an appointment at the nearest donation centre. If a donor needs to cancel or change an appointment, the site and app update in real time, freeing up slots for other donors who may want to book an appointment. The site even supports social integration so that donors can promote their donation on social media. In short, the process for giving blood has never been easier.

Microsoft Azure powers and the NHSBT Give Blood app, allowing NHSBT to scale up to handle increased volume when traffic spikes. Azure also allows NHSBT to easily test and roll out new features services online.


After a donor gives blood, it gets taken to the blood centre, where it’s sorted and registered. Each donation then gets broken down into their separate component parts red blood cells, platelets, plasma), and blood samples are put through a series of tests to confirm blood group, and screen for a number of viruses and conditions such as: HIV, hepatitis, and syphilis. This helps to ensure that the blood supply remains safe and that patients get the right blood that they need.

During this process, a huge amount of data is collected. Microsoft Azure makes sure that this sensitive patient information remains secure, and that this huge data set can be analysed quickly. In the case of organ donation, this quick analysis helps to match donors with recipients, reducing the matching and delivery process to days instead of the months it used to take.


NHSBT have streamlined the process for hospitals and labs getting the blood they need when they need it. Using OBOS (NHSBT Online Blood Ordering System), hospital staff can order and track blood components.

Providing such an essential service for hospitals requires a system that is both highly reliable and highly secure. That’s why OBOS runs on Microsoft Azure.


Once ordered, NHSBT blood may end up being used in any number of locations. This includes on air-ambulances transferring accident victims, in hospital A&E departments, during scheduled surgery or childbirth, and at transfusion services for people with chronic conditions such as cancer, anaemia or other blood disorders.

Because your blood donations can be tracked, and data stored in Azure, it’s easy for NHSBT to notify donors of where and when their blood has been used.

All that’s missing is you

NHSBT have been able to partner with Microsoft to help transform their service and streamline their operations, making sure that England’s blood supply remains safe, available, and used effectively. While all the technology pieces are in place for NHSBT, the biggest missing bit of the puzzle is in the supply – especially young people, black and South Asian communities and people with rare blood types such as A-.

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As you can see, England’s blood supply can make quite a journey. But always that journey starts with people like you.

Register to give blood and book your donation at