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Making healthcare accessible with AI 

AI is having a huge impact on accessibility. In healthcare specifically, it has the potential to drastically improve the experiences of patients and employees.


AI in healthcare: supporting children in long-term hospital care 

Children at hospital can miss out on valuable social interactions, especially at bedtime when they miss out on special moments, like a bedtime story. Great Ormond Street Hospital and Microsoft show how AI and robotics can be used to improve patient experience in a healthcare setting.


AI in healthcare: enabling better patient care 

The NHS is task oriented, making RPA the perfect fit. Working in partnership with us, Microsoft Partner Thoughtonomy deployed a Virtual Workforce in the NHS, using RPA and AI to automate the 2,000 referrals that typically came into the trust on a weekly basis.


Understanding AI: From intelligent bots to machine learning 

I'm not ashamed to admit that it's taken me a little while to get my head around the two letters we're seeing more and more: AI. Speaking with customers and partners has made me realise that I'm not the only one who needed a 'dummies guide' for this rapidly emerging technology. Part of my problem was that I couldn't see AI. It wasn't a specific application or software; it was 'under the hood' and intangible. What I've come to realise is that AI is a set of technology and tools that's increasingly becoming woven into everything we do. Whether we realise it or not, we're already using it in our everyday lives.


Maximising the AI opportunity in healthcare 

Technology is changing so quickly. Since joining Microsoft four years ago, I’ve seen it grown so much – not just in business, either. I often get asked the same question by nurses and clinicians: “What does Microsoft do in healthcare?” I saw it in action at Future Decoded, standing side-by-side with our NHS customers.


Introducing the Microsoft Blogger Series 

Take a look at some of the stories from across Microsoft UK, and think about how you can leverage their expertise to change the way you think about your business.