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Find out how Windows 10 supports your manufacturing firm

The UK manufacturing industry has been undergoing a revolution in the last few years. With technology such as the Internet of Things increasingly being used by these firms to monitor production, and more powerful 3D CAD techniques helping improve the design process, these businesses have more data at their fingertips than ever.

But how they get this information to the right people and use it to improve their operations will separate the best-performing firms from those that lag behind. With the right platform, manufacturers can ensure they are delivering the best results, in the most efficient manner.

Therefore, here’s three of the key ways that Windows 10 solutions can help manufacturers perform as effectively as possible.

Cloud computing helps firms stay connected

Almost every business now operates some form of cloud computing technology, and manufacturers are no exception. This technology makes it easier for manufacturers to roll out new technologies, scale up on demand and ensure all employees have access to the right data.

A key advantage of cloud solutions as opposed to traditional on-premises tools is that they offer great flexibility. Companies can sign up on a subscription basis and ensure they are paying for only what they need. Then, as their business grows, they can easily add new capabilities as and when they are required with the minimum of disruption.

Turning to the cloud can also help manufacturers get new product lines off the ground much faster. These companies are often under huge pressure to cut down the time to market and decrease the time until they see returns on their investment. With cloud computing, key technology solutions can be up and running in days, rather than weeks or months.

Share data, collaborate better

Windows 10 also helps manufacturers improve their collaboration by making it easy to share data and work on projects together, from any device. For instance, users of powerful mobile platforms such as Windows tablets can view and share 3D designs wherever they are. This allows any errors to be spotted and corrected in real-time, with the changes instantly updated for all employees.

This creates a ‘single version of the truth’, which is invaluable in ensuring key manufacturing processes can be conducted without inaccuracies. One company that has benefited from this is aerospace contractor Orbital ATK, which has turned to Windows Surface tablets running Siemens JT2Go software.

As well as making the leap from 2D to 3D modelling, this cuts down on errors that previously cropped up due to inconsistent versions of files. Matt Johnston, a digital design and engineering manager at the firm, explained: “We’re using the Siemens JT2Go and Microsoft Surface Pro to deliver propulsion systems more efficiently than we ever could before … It’s a tool to drive higher levels of manufacturability and quality.”

Boost productivity from the field to the factory floor

Being able to immediately access key data such as CAD files on the factory floor via a Windows tablet also helps ensure productivity is always kept high. For example, dedicated apps such as Apriso for Manufacturing offer full visibility into key operations, such as electronic work instructions, visual quality defect tracking, company analysis reports, and enterprise wide KPIs and metrics.

The ability to access this information in real-time not only ensures that employees on the factory floor are able to adjust their activities accordingly, it also enables people at remote work sites to keep up-to-date with what is going on, and provide clients and colleagues with the most accurate information.

With a range of Windows 10 mobile devices specifically designed to handle the harsh conditions faced by many manufacturers in the field or the factory floor, there should also be no worries that the hardware won’t cope with the demands of the manufacturing sector.

Download Gartner’s Preparing for Windows 10 PC Deployment report