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How Windows 10 helps retail firms

The UK retail sector is an increasingly digital part of the economy. According to the Interactive Media in Retail Group, 2016, some £70.2 billion will be spent online in 2016. However, this digital revolution is not just an issue for the online space.

Consumers now expect the same high-quality, personalised level of service in person as they would receive online, which means retailers have to adapt how they think about their in-store experience.

Elsewhere, businesses are under increasing pressure to deliver services to end-users quickly, wherever they are and whatever device they are using. In order to achieve these goals, a strong technology platform will be essential – and this is where Windows 10 comes in.

Read on to find out how Windows 10 solutions help firms in the retail, media and communications industries achieve better results.

Better service on the shop floor

For UK retailers, freeing up employees on the shop floor to better serve customers is one of the key benefits offered by Windows 10. For example, today’s mobile technology, backed by Windows 10 apps, enables staff to check out customers from any location on the shop floor using mobile point-of-sale tools. This means fewer long lines at the checkout and less chance of consumers abandoning their purchases prior to completing their transaction.

Equipping sales staff with Windows tablets can also allow them to access customer information on the go, delivering a more personal service and identifying opportunities for cross-promotion and upselling.

Freeing up managers

The use of mobile devices also allows managers to spend more time on the shop floor without compromising on their administrative tasks. These tools can be used to monitor staff holiday requests, track store KPIs and access the latest information from the company without needed to be stuck in a back office.

One retailer that has taken advantage of this is Dollar General. Like many retailers, it faces a fast-moving environment, with fluctuating prices and a constantly-changing inventory. In the past, managers needed to spend a lot of time at their desks in order to get this information, but the introduction of Windows mobile tools has freed them from these restrictions, which benefits the company as a whole.

“We have strong data that correlates time-in-store to higher sales and improved execution,” explained Dollar General’s chief information officer Ryan Boone. “So [mobile] is a powerful tool to help our leaders drive performance in our stores.”

Improving efficiency

Access to real-time data isn’t limited to just the shop floor. It can also help retail businesses optimise their supply chain and ensure that stories have the products they need, right when they need them.

For instance, apps using the Windows 10 platform can allow staff in the warehouse to monitor their inventory levels and send alerts to managers instantly if they are running low. This can ensure that replenishments are ordered and delivered before it becomes a problem.

Meanwhile, businesses can also replace printed documentation for staff on the factory floor with digital, interactive instructions. The ability to access document management solutions from a centralised system also boosts team coordination and delivers greater operational efficiency.

Download Gartner’s Preparing for Windows 10 PC Deployment report