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5 talks to look out for at Build next week!

Microsoft’s huge developer conference, Microsoft Build, is back once again! Kicking off next week on May 19-21, it’ll be delivering the same high-quality sessions and keynotes from familiar faces at Microsoft, all at no cost to attendees. You just need to register! 

We realise that as developers come together to help the world solve new challenges, sharing knowledge and staying connected is more important than ever. Microsoft Build will still provide key developer content for which the event is known.


1. Every developer is welcome

Microsoft’s mission over the past few years has been focused on empowering every person and every organisation. By embracing open source across our tools and technologies, and welcoming all sorts of projects and services with an open Azure cloud, we’ve made sure that every developer is, truly, welcome.

In our first recommended talk, Scott Hanselman will be hosting a number of his friends as they explore Microsoft’s modern developer toolkit. From GitHub, to Visual Studio, Windows and much more, come hear from the experts on just how the Microsoft ecosystem can work for you.


2. Build tools for the new way to work and learn

The importance of flexible working and productivity has never been more apparent. More and more businesses are embracing a model that aims to empower their employees and embrace conditions that promote productivity. There are many different routes you can take to approach this, from which tools to use and which methodologies to follow.

Rajesh Jha will show you how you can build on the world’s productivity cloud, leveraging Microsoft Teams and advanced new capabilities like Microsoft Graph and Fluid Framework, to create innovative tools for remote work and learning.


3. Ask Scott Guthrie

If you’ve attended Microsoft events in the past, you should be no stranger to Scott Guthrie – the Executive Vice President of the Cloud and AI group in Microsoft. His expertise on all things cloud will prove to be invaluable to any business that needs a little help with Azure and adjacent technologies.

Fortunately for this year’s build, Scott is running a session where he’ll be answering your burning questions on Microsoft’s cloud offerings. Be sure to take full advantage of it! As well as this session, there will also be a live chat on-hand for the duration of the event, where Microsoft experts will be answering any questions you may have.


4. Empowering every developer, with Satya Nadella

In this time of uncertainty, developers will play a central role in reimagining the world we live in and accelerating our path to recovery. It’s a huge task, but it’s one that is very achievable. Microsoft will be at hand to help in this process, wherever it can be.

Kicking off Build 2020, Satya Nadella will focus on this uncertainty, and show what Microsoft will be doing to support developers in the coming weeks, months and years. It’s going to be a talk you won’t want to miss.


5. Take full advantage of the breakout sessions

Yes, this isn’t one talk so we’re cheating a little here! However, this digital-only instalment of Build brings with it things that couldn’t be done before.

This year, the breakout sessions that take place around the keynotes will be shaped by topics that developers specifically request themselves. If you are desperate for more information on a particular topic, this is a terrific opportunity to get expert guidance on it.

To suggest a topic, you must register to attend Build! As part of the registration process, you will be asked for input on what topics you’d personally like to see, which will then be used to shape the focus of these breakout sessions. Stay tuned for more details on the talks themselves, but don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to shape Build for yourself or your company.


Register now!

We realise that as developers come together to help the world solve new challenges, sharing knowledge and staying connected is more important than ever. Microsoft Build will still provide key developer content for which the event is known, while tailoring the event experience towards topics that developers the world over are looking for.

Here’s a sample of what you can experience next week:

  • Access to live sessions with engineers, Q&As and support from technical experts.
  • The ability to engage with peers and experts through panels, virtual meetups, and 1:1 meetings to get all of your questions answered.
  • Tailored sessions based on requests we collect during the registration process.

The live event starts on May 19 at 4PM BST, at no cost, so register today to avoid disappointment!


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