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Kickstart your learning with this year’s Festive Tech Calendar

December is always a great time to evaluate the year you’ve had, and prepare yourself for the next. As such, getting a head start on learning – whether it be something new or just sharpening your existing knowledge – can help set you up for the year ahead.

Every year, the Festive Tech Calendar releases content on a variety of topics for this very purpose, from a variety of different speakers and communities. This is all for charity, and this year all proceeds will be going to Missing People.

There are a wide swathe of topics, with everything from AI and machine learning to Dev Box and Power Apps. With up to six tracks each day, there are literally hundreds of individual sessions for you to browse and learn from.

Be sure to check out the Festive Tech Calendar website, where new content will be going live every day in December. All content in on-demand and pre-recorded, so you can also go back and explore the topics you’re interested in.

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