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Microsoft Build announcements and beyond!

Hello folks,

We are still seeing a lot of hybrid events, but with more people attending in-person it’s almost starting to feel like the former days.

Microsoft Build was held last month, and with AI being in the news a lot lately, Microsoft had a lot to share on the topic as well.

Some key Build announcements:

Personally, it’s always exciting to watch Mark Russinovich go over Azure Innovations. He spoke about the latest innovations in Azure architecture such as hollow-core fibre to optimise our WAN connections, and the AI workload-aware scheduler called Project Forge, a globally aware resource scheduler.

Kevin Scott, CTO & EVP of AI went over the Era of AI copilot and how Microsoft and the partnership with OpenAI’s platform can help develop the next generation of AI apps.

Microsoft’s Dev Box is bringing the tools your developers need to be ready to go with cloud computing.  In the age of hybrid work, a physical PC is no longer required.

We always encourage learning, and after Build there’s so much to catch up on. Be sure to check out this Microsoft Learn page to join the Learn Cloud Skills challenge and earn a free certification voucher and see the other Build Learn Collections.

Lastly, there is also the Book of News to follow all of the updates from Microsoft Build.  You can find information relevant to IT Pros despite this being a developer-focused event.

Until next time!