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Summary of Changes to the Microsoft Services Agreement – September 30, 2023

We are updating the Microsoft Services Agreement, which applies to your use of Microsoft consumer online products and services. This page provides a summary of the most notable changes to the Microsoft Services Agreement.

To see all of the changes, please read the full Microsoft Services Agreement here.

  1. In the header, we’ve updated the publication date to July 30, 2023, and the effective date to September 30, 2023.
  2. In the Your Privacy section, we expanded the definition of “Your Content” to include content that is generated by your use of our AI services.
  3. In the Code of Conduct section, we added language to govern the use of AI services.
  4. In the Using the Services & Support section, we made the following additions:
    • We added a Moderation and Enforcement section to clarify and help users better understand these practices.
    • We added a section to reflect the rights granted to Australian customers using a good or service that is subject to the Telecommunications Consumer Protection Code, which allows the consumer to appoint an Advocate or Authorized Representative to deal with Microsoft on their behalf.
  5. In the Contracting Entity, Choice of Law, and Place to Resolve Disputes section, the contracting entity for the free portions of Microsoft Teams has been updated for Australia.
  6. In the Service-Specific Terms section, we made the following additions and changes:
    • We added a reference to Dynamics 365 as trial sign-ups for this product can be enabled through Microsoft account authentication.
    • We changed the Bing Places section to clarify the user license provisions which will enable the product to meet its functional needs.
    • We created a new section called “Microsoft Storage” which encompasses both OneDrive and and reflects branding changes. This reflects the current status of storage quotas in that attachments now count against OneDrive storage quotas as well as storage quotas. A link to a page with more information is provided as well.
    • We clarified the Microsoft Rewards section to add additional verbiage in support of the global program rollout, add support for autoenrollment of Microsoft account users and other program changes, and verbiage to add additional clarity around the program.
    • We added a section on AI services to set out certain restrictions, use of Your Content and requirements associated with the use of the AI services.
  7. In the Notices section, we’ve made edits to update the notice status of certain licenses and patents.
  8. Throughout the Terms, we’ve made changes to improve clarity and to address grammar, typos, and other similar issues. We’ve also updated naming and hyperlinks.