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Corporate Citizenship

Empowering Hong Kong's growth and competitiveness through innovations.


At Microsoft, we are working to foster a sustainable future where everyone has access to the benefits and opportunities created by technology.  We have an obligation to help address the issues facing the world, and this is reflected in our approach, policies, and practices across the two focus areas: Empower Individuals with Future Ready Skills and Create Sustained Societal Impact.

We work closely with Non-profits, educational institutions and public sectors to create a broad and real impact in the community, so as to drive the sustainable growth and harbor a healthy economy in Hong Kong, for today and tomorrow.


  • 20 years+「商界展關懷」caringcompany | Awarded by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service | 香港社會服務聯會頒發

    Awarded the prestigious "20 Year plus Caring Company"

  • 「家庭友善僱主」Family Friendly Employers 2007/18

    Recognized as “Family-Friendly Employer”


    Honored as one of “The 2019 World’s Most Ethical Companies”

  • HKC 銀 第十屆香港傑出企業公民獎  | The 10th HK Outstanding Corporate Citizenship Silver Award | 企業 Enterprise

    The 10th HK Outstanding Corporate Citizenship Award (Enterprise Category)

  • HKC | Drive for Corporate Citizenship | Volunteer Team  |  企業公民義工隊嘉許標誌 | 2019

    Drive for Corporate Citizenship – Volunteer Team 2019

  • #SayYesToBreastfeeding | 母乳育嬰齊和應 | unicef | 聯合國兒童基金會

    unicef – Certificate of Appreciation for Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace

  • Inclusive Organisation | 砖=聘 | Awarded by Labour and Welfare Bureau

    Participating in Talent-Wise Employment Charter and Inclusive Organisations Recognition Scheme

  • CF | 2018-20 | Social Capital Builder Awards |  社會資本動力獎

    Social Capital Builder Logo Award 2018-2020

  • 「賽馬會齡活城市夥伴」| 活 賽馬會齡活城市 | Jockey Club Age-friendly City | 2019 | Jockey Club Age-friendly City Partner

    “Jockey Club Age-friendly City Partner” & “Age-friendly Innovation Award” 2019

  • Manpower Developer | Awarded by ERB

    ERB Manpower Developer Award 2018-2020

  • 2019-20 | 積金好僱主 | Good MPF Employer

    Good MPF Employer Award 2019-2020

    Good MPF Employer Award, e-Contribution Award and MPF Support Award