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Affordable, hyperpersonalized learning

When you are worried about how to manage interactions with 2 million students who come to your platform daily to imbibe knowledge, you know it’s a good problem to have. At this staggering scale, it’s not possible to have teachers or subject matter experts (SMEs) personally address students’ doubts as that would become a high-cost and operationally intensive exercise.

To solve this problem, Physics Wallah (PW) created “Gyan Guru”, a hyperpersonalized conversational study companion designed to cater to the distinctive needs of each student.

Physic Wallah logo

Storehouse of knowledge

In a pioneering move, Gyan Guru harnessed the vast repository of content created by PW in the past three years and indexed it into a vector database. This extensive collection includes PW’s proprietary academic materials, an impressive array of over one million Q&As, and a comprehensive database of over ten million solved doubts, among other valuable resources. To ensure that this wealth of information serves students in the most efficient manner, Gyan Guru adopted the RAG+Azure OpenAI architecture.

Study companion accessible anytime, anywhere

Gyan Guru students now have a one-stop solution for their problems, whether academic, non-academic, product-related, or support-related. They can access it any time of the day and avoid time and access barriers in their studies. The conversational nature ensures that students use it as a “study companion,” enhancing their  core knowledge of concepts which is a critical aspect of successfully preparing for competitive exams such as JEE and NEET.

Alakh Pandey, Founder and CEO, Physics Wallah (PW)

Alakh Pandey

Founder and CEO
Physics Wallah (PW)

Innovation is a fundamental value at Physics Wallah (PW), and we are always eager to enhance the student experience on our platform through technological development. However, we don’t believe in rushing this pursuit. Education is a space where we cannot aim for anything less than 99.9% efficiency in our products and services. Gyan Guru exemplifies this commitment of ours, as we took the necessary time and conducted rigorous testing to ensure our students receive a dependable product they can truly rely on.
The conversational nature ensures that students use it as a “study companion,” enhancing their core knowledge of concepts

Physics Wallah (PW) is a leading Indian EdTech company, democratising education nationwide through online, offline, and hybrid modes.
More details at