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Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365 Copilot
Get up and running with Copilot
Learn how to drive AI adoption and get the most out of Copilot in your organization.

Kick-start your AI journey

Discover five steps to lay the groundwork for a successful Copilot rollout.

Plan your rollout

Copilot is unlike any new technology that’s come before it, and leaders need to take a deliberate approach to embrace, deploy, and adopt it. Use this overview to help guide your rollout strategy and drive adoption from the start.

Strengthen skills with ongoing learning

Go beyond the basics with Copilot—improve meetings, draft documents, create engaging presentations, and generate data-driven insights and analyses.

How to use Copilot in Microsoft Teams

Learn how Copilot can help you have more productive and engaging meetings.
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Start with the business challenge—and then add AI

A successful rollout begins with prioritization. Assess your unique business challenges and then determine where AI can make the biggest impact.
A person waving at a computer

Be intentional with seat assignments

Focus seats in a few key areas of your business to start. Those who use Microsoft 365 apps the most will be well positioned for a Copilot license. To identify your heaviest users, check out the Microsoft Copilot Dashboard, powered by Microsoft Viva.
A person talking to another person

Allocate Copilot to entire teams

When entire teams have access, they can share insights and learn from each other. And as more employees use Copilot consistently and effectively, the impact that Copilot brings to your organization multiplies.
A person using a computer

Embrace experimentation

To make the most of your investment in AI, be open to testing, learning, innovation, and change. Empower team members who are closest to your day-to-day operations, because they’ll have the best ideas of how to reinvent and optimize your processes.

Activate Copilot at every level of your company

Drive AI adoption with peer learning and by creating a dynamic knowledge-sharing ecosystem in your organization.

Become a Copilot power user

A person looking at another person

Get started with Copilot

Set your team up for success with a step-by-step program designed to help them learn the ins and outs of Microsoft 365 Copilot. This guided experience offers fun and easy-to-follow prompts for daily tasks to boost productivity, save time, and simplify work.
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