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Moderation and enforcement


When and how to request an appeal

A second look at a decision

If you disagree with an enforcement or moderation action, you may be able to appeal.

When you are notified of an enforcement section against your content or account, if you can appeal, the notice will provide you with details on how to do so. When you appeal, Microsoft human reviewers will take a second look at the reason for the moderation or enforcement action along with any new information you provide. 

You have six (6) months in which to appeal an appealable decision. Appeals take roughly 2 weeks (14 days) to resolve, this is an estimate. The actual time it takes may be a little longer or shorter. Appealers will receive the results of the appeal via email.

Out-of-court dispute resolution in the European Union

  • If you are located or have your place of establishment in the European Union;
  • If you have appealed a moderation or enforcement decision of one of Microsoft’s online platforms as defined under EU Regulation 2022/2065, such as Microsoft Store or Minecraft Marketplace; and
  • If you wish to dispute the outcome of your appeal; you may seek relief through out-of-court dispute resolution.

You may select any out-of-court dispute settlement body certified by the Digital Services Coordinator of the European Union Member State where the settlement body is established to resolve such dispute. Both parties must agree to engage with these settlement bodies in good faith to try and resolve the dispute.

Content removal

Content and conduct that puts you or others at risk will not be allowed.

Account suspension

Severe or repeated violations of our policies may result in account suspension.