January 26, 2022

Early success of Black Partner Growth Initiative partners paves the way for new accelerator & special programs

By Regina Johnson

Black Partner Growth Initiative Banner, with a man and a woman smiling on the right.

When it comes to working toward change, success must be defined by positive impact for stakeholders. Throughout the launch and evolution of the Black Partner Growth Initiative (BPGI), we’ve kept a stringent focus on how programs enable partners toward growth and ensured that their voices – like those of Jasson Walker, President of cFocus Software – remained our key instrument to measure success.

Through BPGI, we feel like we’ve laid the groundwork for explosive growth with Microsoft,” said Walker, an early BPGI participant. “We were introduced to one of the top 5 Microsoft Azure partners in the world and subsequently teamed with them on a $100M federal government contract opportunity to provide Azure services.”

Through key introductions, a guided onboarding experience, and ongoing support, Jasson has access to new, high-value opportunities that fuel growth.

The aim of the Black Partner Growth Initiative is to:

  • Increase representation of Black-owned partners expanding channel ecosystem diversity of thought innovation
  • Accelerate capacity and rate of growth for Black-owned partner businesses
  • Increase customer access through amplification of Black-owned partner services and solutions

Partners engaged in BPGI have access to a curated collection of programs including BPGI Accelerator, Hybrid Managed program, and access to the Partner Capital Fund. While our pipeline of new partners continues to be identified, over 650 new partners were onboarded to the Black Partner Growth Initiative in the first half of FY22.

Most impressive is the surge of partners bringing their solutions to market. Through go-to-market resources made available through the program and support from dedicated partner development managers, nearly 400 partners listing their solutions on the Microsoft commercial marketplace.

The path of progress for BPGI partners

Rapid progress is the result of partners’ time and energy commitment. Through the last quarter, partners joined a series of workshops intended to enable their success and dive deeper into topics that foster their knowledge. Insightful questions, active engagement with panelists, and follow-up connections made this series a success for partners and our team.

More than 300 partners applied to the Accelerator Cohort offered in partnership with AppMeetup. The first cohort of more than 50 partners launched this month, providing intensive coaching, 1:1 engagement, and comprehensive guidance. We will continue to track the progress of these trailblazing partners as they embark on their 3-month journey through the program and publish their solutions or services on the marketplace.

Our partners have been the heartbeat and strongest advocates as we reach into the community. Partners from the Black Channel Partner Alliance joined us and served as mainstage presenters at Black Women Talk Tech’s Roadmap to Billions conference last August. There, they shared the keys to partnering with Microsoft and leveraging the Black Partner Growth Initiative.   We proudly sponsored BPGI partners at the Black and Brown Founders Chroma Conference where they shared their voice and perspective on the advantages of developing their Microsoft partnership.

The Initiative is a true extension of the Microsoft-partner model and partner-to-partner ecosystem, where mutual empowerment creates impact far greater than the sum of its parts.

The best way to stay up to date

Visit the Black Partner Growth Initiative events page to stay up-to-date on initiative updates.

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