June 1, 2022

What you need to know about the Microsoft Cloud Partner Program

By Microsoft Americas Partner Team

A woman on a sofa in a casual office using a laptop.

In March 2022, it was announced the Microsoft Partner Network programs would evolve to meet the changing needs of customers and help you, our partners, succeed. Effective October 2022, the Microsoft Partner Network would become the Microsoft Cloud Partner Program. This new program is for all partners in our ecosystem, whether you build and sell services, software solutions, or devices.

Differentiate yourself in a crowded market

The Microsoft Cloud Partner Program is a testament to Microsoft’s continued commitment to innovation and growth. The change simplifies the partner program with single-tier Solutions Partner Designation designed to help you grow your business, go to market, and win new customers. The designations are aligned to six solution areas on the Microsoft Cloud:

By attaining a solutions partner designation, you’ll become eligible to receive the new benefits package associated with that designation. Only partners that obtain all six solutions partner designations will receive a Solutions Partner Designation for Microsoft Cloud demonstrating partner capabilities across the Microsoft Cloud.

How to attain a solutions partner designation

How to attain a solutions partner designation

There are three categories under each solutions partner designation: Performance, Skilling, and Customer Success. These three categories will generate your Partner Capability Score. A solutions partner designation will only be given once you receive a minimum Partner Capability Score of 70 points (out of 100) across the three categories and at least one point in each category.

  • Performance is based on net customer adds, taking into consideration customer churn and based on a trailing 12-month period.
  • Skilling verifies and demonstrates your expertise with intermediate and advanced certifications. For the skilling category, the same individual can contribute to intermediate and advanced certs, however with each metric (intermediate and advanced) only unique individuals are recognized for achieving points.
  • Customer success is measured by both usage growth and the number of solution deployments.

Get ready to transition

Here are the steps you need to take to prepare for the Microsoft Cloud Partner Program.

  1. Sign in to Partner Center to review your Partner Capability Score (PCS) to track your progress towards a solutions partner designation.
  2. Go to Microsoft docs to learn about the requirements needed to attain a solutions partner designation
  3. Review the Solutions Partner Designation Benefits Guide to see the updated benefits available.
  4. Explore the additional information and resources available:

Register here: https://aka.ms/IAMCPMicrosoftAnnounce

Topic Date
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Note: September 30 is the last day partners can renew legacy competencies.

Associated legacy badging of Silver/Gold will no longer be valid after October 3, 2022. You can retain your legacy Silver/Gold benefits until your next anniversary date. The new solution designations will be available starting October 2022.s.

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