February 28, 2024

Securely migrate your customers to Azure with Microsoft and Datto

By John Turk

Two businessmen walking in an office corridor.

Partner Audience: #CSP #ServicesPartners
Relevant to: #BestPractice #LearnSolutionAreas #Azure

Cloud migration is the next step for partners looking to grow their managed services practice.  Selling cloud services provides benefits to customers, and opportunities for you. Microsoft estimates a $13.7 billion migration opportunity in the SMB market,1 and Microsoft partners earn an average of $7.51 in follow-on services for every dollar in Azure consumption.2

Customer interest in cloud solutions is also increasing, but security remains top of mind as a key challenge for many.  According to a Flexera report, 79% of organizations list security as a top challenge to address in their cloud adoption strategy.

As a Microsoft partner, you can capitalize on this opportunity by helping customers securely and efficiently migrate to Azure. You can then provide valuable management services to ensure that they’re spending efficiently and staying secure as their environments change.

Why Azure?

The Microsoft Cloud is the most trusted and comprehensive commercial cloud available to help protect and defend your customer’s business. To help them migrate securely, leverage our Azure-focused partner enablement resources, including our Azure bootcamps and our Azure Depth Enablement series.

Another benefit of the Microsoft Coud is that it brings with it our ecosystem of partners that have built solutions to help you deploy, manage, and secure customers in the cloud. To help you securely migrate your customers to the cloud, we’ve partnered with Datto to develop Datto Backup for Microsoft Azure (DBMA). Backup and disaster recovery services are often the first workloads that customers move to the cloud, and they want a trusted solution with easy-to-understand pricing. Designed specifically for managed service providers (MSPs), DBMA is a complete business continuity and disaster recovery solution with simple pricing and native integration into Datto’s suite of tools.

Learn more about this opportunity by registering to watch the on-demand webinar, How to quickly and safely migrate your clients to Azure with Microsoft and Datto.

Next steps

If you’re ready to get started moving your customers to Azure, register for an upcoming workshop in the Kaseya + Datto Connect Local series. In the coming weeks we’ll be hosting joint events in cities across the globe. We look forward to seeing you there!

And let’s continue the conversation through the Microsoft MSP Community Hub!

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Join the conversation

Want to explore this and other topics you care about with Microsoft and other US partners? Head over to the Microsoft Americas Partner Community on LinkedIn.


1 Estimate from Microsoft data based on on-premises install base and average cloud server spend
2 Microsoft internal data
3 Flexera 2023 State of the Cloud | Report

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