March 19, 2024

Top Stories: March 19, 2024

By Microsoft Americas Partner Team

A smiling man sitting on a sofa looking at his tablet.

Partner Audience: #AllPartners #AllRoles
Relevant to: #Event #GrowSkills #MSFTAmericasPartner 

Culture of Trust: a digital gathering with our partners 

We’re excited to invite our Americas Partners to the first-ever Culture of Trust digital event on April 2 at 10:00–11:00 AM PT! Join Channel Leaders from Microsoft Americas and our esteemed Partner network as we come together to strengthen our community. We’ll explore topics including Responsible AI and Proactive Compliance, and share real experiences building a culture of trust with our teams, partners, and customers. 

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to connect and grow our partnership. Learn more and register here. 


Partner Audience: #AllPartners #AllRoles
Relevant to: #Event #LearnSolutionAreas #Surface 

Surface Tech Enablement Connect (TEC) 

Microsoft’s mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. Surface for Business is committed to this mission by continuously striving to create a new standard of what an employee’s experience can be. We understand that innovation is not just about creativity and originality, but also about understanding the user and fulfilling their needs. Surface shines in this realm, with a long history of being the device that goes one step beyond the possible. 

Join us on April 17 at 8:00–9:30 AM PT for a discussion on how Microsoft’s commitment to thoughtful design and best-in-class capabilities empowers and inspires our customers. 

Register today and share this invitation with your colleagues. We look forward to your participation. 


Partner Audience: #AllPartners #AllRoles
Relevant to: #Event #GrowYourBiz

Microsoft Fabric Community Conference 

We’re excited to announce that our first-ever Microsoft Fabric Community Conference will take place on March 26–28 at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. This conference will be the most comprehensive learning event for Microsoft Fabric to date, with over 100 sessions across the three days, including: 

  • Partner Corner. Visit our booth and meet our Fabric Partner Team to learn about the latest partner motions, resources, and opportunities like Azure Innovate—our hero partner offering—and get a 100% discounted exam voucher to use on Microsoft Certified: Fabric Analytics Engineer Associate (while quantities last, on a first come, first served basis).  
  • 1:1 Partner Meetings. Meet with our Fabric Partner Team to discuss your priorities and needs and better understand partner motions and resources.  
  • Partner Happy Hour. Network with the Fabric leadership and product team.  
  • Partner-to-Partner Connection. Connect with other partners to discuss joint business opportunities and learnings.  

Get all the details and register here. 


Partner Audience: #AllPartners
Relevant to: #DoingBizwMSFT #GrowYourBiz #CrossSolution

2024 Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards AMA session

Have questions about submitting your nomination? Join the Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards Ask Me Anything (AMA) session, March 26 at 9:00 AM PT, and get them answered live.

Partner of the Year Awards nominations close at 6:00 PM PT on April 3.

Learn more and start your nomination here.



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