April 2, 2024

Top Stories: April 2, 2024

By Microsoft Americas Partner Team

Two women working on laptops and laughing.

Partner Audience: #AllPartners #AllRoles
Relevant to: #Event #GrowSkills #CrossSolution

GitHub Certification Fundamentals

Register today for this four-episode series designed to help you enhance your software development skills and prepare to obtain certification. Sessions cover the basics of GitHub to hands-on exploration of GitHub Copilot and Codespaces. At the end of the series, you could be eligible to receive a free certification voucher on a first-come, first-served basis. See details.


Partner Audience: #AllPartners #AllRoles
Relevant to: #Deadline #UnderstandBenefits #CrossSolution

FY24 Co-op reminder

Start earning and spending your eligible co-op funds before it’s too late!

Co-op (Partner Incentives Cooperative Marketing Funds) provides reimbursements of earned funds to participating partners to help differentiate and build channel awareness and preference for Microsoft products. You can use co-op funds to conduct marketing activities that increase brand awareness and drive growth of your sales pipeline. Invest your co-op funds in activities to facilitate readiness, develop specializations, or attain Microsoft certifications—activities that foster focused solution practices and Centers of Excellence. Read this blog to learn more.


Partner Audience: #AllPartners #AllRoles
Relevant to: #Event #GrowSkills #CrossSolution

Microsoft Copilot for Security now generally available

Last month, we announced that Microsoft Copilot for Security would be generally available worldwide starting April 1, 2024. To understand how generative AI will streamline and enhance security tasks with exciting new product innovations and how Copilot for Security can seamlessly integrate with other products, read this Microsoft Security blog.

Upcoming training events

Recommended reading


Partner Audience: #CSP
Relevant to: #DoingBizwMSFT #GeneratePipeline #Azure

Boost your hybrid cloud profits

Explore the innovative solutions and strategies that are helping Microsoft CSP partners integrate their on-premises solutions with the benefits of Azure. Register today for our one-hour April 9 webinar Microsoft CTO on Boosting Profits and Flexibility in Cloud Hosting to gain insights from Tony Surma, Microsoft Americas GPS CTO, on how to capitalize on the latest cloud hosting opportunities.



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