Tag: customer stories


A child working on a laptop in a classroom, with teacher and blackboard in the background.
September 21, 2023

Microsoft partners innovate to help meet the evolving needs of students and educators

By Nina Harding Posted in Featured Content, Partner Membership

Partner Audience: All Partners
Relevant to: Education Industry #SuccessStory #EDU

Microsoft and our partners are working to provide innovative solutions to help schools, colleges, and universities meet the evolving needs of students and educators.

Woman working on her laptop
May 4, 2023

Microsoft partners provide innovative solutions to challenges facing today’s professional services industry

By Nina Harding Posted in Partner Membership

Partner Audience: All Partners
Relevant to: #Prof #SuccessStory

Partners are playing a key role in driving innovation by developing artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotic process automation. The cloud is making technological solutions more accessible and affordable for companies of all sizes, while also offering greater scalability. Overall, technology is enabling service providers to offer more cost-effective, personalized, compliant services, leading to better outcomes and enhancing the overall customer experience.

Factory worker standing in manufacturing warehouse among rows of metal shelving, holding a tablet.
March 21, 2023

Microsoft partners take on manufacturing industry challenges and deliver solutions with impact

By Nina Harding Posted in Featured Content, Partner Membership

Partner Audience: All Partners
Relevant to: Manufacturing, #SuccessStory

Producing the goods that drive economic growth and development, the manufacturing industry is a crucial sector of the global economy. Technology has had a profound impact on this sector, and it continues to drive changes and improvements in the way products are made. Learn how Microsoft and our partners are helping address the opportunities and challenges facing today’s manufacturers with the power of Microsoft Azure.

A bank officer shaking hands with a customer
February 21, 2023

Microsoft partners driving change in the financial services industry

By Nina Harding Posted in Featured Content, Industry, Partner Membership

Partner Audience: All Partners
Relevant to: Financial Services, #SuccessStory

As organizations continue to grapple with the impact and aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis, adaptation to a new reality is a necessary survival skill to ensure business resiliency and accelerate growth. In the financial services industry, the push to modernize infrastructure creates an opportunity to address challenges that have long plagued the industry. Read about Microsoft partners that are driving the change.


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