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Using design principles to make excellent AI images

JULY 23, 2024


AI FOR: Creating


A person sorting through an assortment of color palettes

Using AI to help create visually striking images is a growing trend, and it’s easy to do with AI-powered Designer built right into Copilot. You can simply enter an AI art prompt into Copilot to see what Designer can make! But if you really want to elevate your AI image creation, try incorporating design principles into your prompts. Learn how prompting with the elements and principles of visual design in mind can help you generate excellent AI images.

What are design principles?

It’s important to understand the guiding principles of design that can transform your AI-generated images. Some of these design principles—including alignment, hierarchy, contrast, color balance, and negative space—are the building blocks of visual aesthetics in the tangible and digital worlds. By applying the following visual design elements and principles, you’ll not only enhance your AI images’ appeal, but also help them adhere to the fundamental rules that govern the world of design.

Let’s say you start by telling Copilot to "create a clear, high-quality image of a sun setting behind a grassy hill area." This is what you might get without adding design elements to your prompt:

Grassy hills with the sun setting in the background

Credit: Designer in Copilot

Now, try adding these design principles into the mix:

Create perfect symmetry with alignment

Alignment is a key design principle that’s crucial for maintaining the harmony of your AI image. It involves arranging visual design elements in a way that creates a sense of order and balance. Designer allows you to specify alignment parameters, such as centering certain elements. For example, ask Copilot to “make it look perfectly balanced. Center everything horizontally and vertically in the image, so it’s pleasing to the eye.” Designer could then give you this:

A photo of a sunset that’s centered in the background with grassy hills on both sides of the frame

Credit: Designer in Copilot

Highlight the main attraction using hierarchy

Hierarchy is another fundamental design principle that helps you establish a clear structure of importance among various design elements within your AI-generated images. This principle is essential for guiding viewers’ attention. Designer enables you to emphasize specific elements by making them stand out. Give it a try by telling Copilot to “make a photo of a sunset over a hilly landscape with an old tree as the main attraction.” Designer might generate something like this:

A large tree on a hilltop with the sun setting behind it

Credit: Designer in Copilot

Enhance the drama with contrast

Contrast is a cornerstone of design principles because it can enhance your image’s visual impact. Designer offers options to manipulate contrast, such as adjusting brightness and color intensity. Tell Copilot to “make an illustration of a sunset across a beautiful landscape. Make the bright areas really bright and the dark areas darker for a striking visual effect.” Designer might then produce an image similar to this:

A bright sunset as seen from the top of a flowered hill

Credit: Designer in Copilot

Go for colorful harmony

Color balance involves distributing colors in a way that creates a pleasing and harmonious visual experience. Achieving the right color balance can be a useful design principle for evoking specific emotions. Designer allows you to adjust the color balance to suit your artistic vision. Try telling Copilot to “make a photorealistic image of a sunset. Focus on color balance to create a calming, harmonious feel.”

A serene sunset over a rocky seashore

Credit: Designer in Copilot

Control your negative space

Negative space, or blank space, is the area around and between the visual design elements in your image. It’s an important design principle and plays a significant role in directing attention and creating a sense of breathing room in your AI-generated image. Designer allows you to control negative space to optimize your image’s overall impact. Try it out by telling Copilot to “make an image of a colorful sunset. Use the principle of negative space to add drama.”

A colorful sunset featuring a crescent moon over a sandy shoreline

Credit: Designer in Copilot

By integrating these principles and visual design elements with the capabilities of Designer, you can elevate your AI-generated images to new heights of beauty and aesthetic appeal. Create the excellent images you envision using Copilot and the Copilot app with these principles in mind and other tips in the AI Art Prompting Guide.

At Microsoft, we are always updating and testing features to offer our users the best possible experiences as we experiment with new approaches to functionality. To improve the user experience and streamline our tools that empower creativity, Bing Image Creator is now Designer and Bing Chat is now Copilot. Create wow-worthy images with your words and AI with Designer, and try Copilot, your AI-powered search assistant for the web.

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