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What is natural language processing (NLU)?

SEPTEMBER 24, 2024


AI FOR: Advanced Users


A colorful computer circuit board with a stylized brain outlined in white lines and dots

Natural language understanding (NLU) is a branch of artificial intelligence that enables machines to comprehend and interpret human language in a way that is both meaningful and useful. NLU goes beyond simply processing words; it aims to understand the context, intent, and sentiment behind the text. This allows machines to respond more accurately and appropriately to human inputs.

What is the difference between NLU and NLP?

A phone screen shows the silhouette of a person with several speech bubbles around their head

Credit: Designer in Copilot

Natural language understanding (NLU) and natural language processing (NLP) are often used interchangeably, but they serve different purposes. NLP is a broader field that encompasses all interactions between computers and human language, including text analysis, translation, and speech recognition. NLU, on the other hand, is a subset of NLP that focuses on understanding a text’s meaning and context.

NLU’s role in interpreting intent and sentiment

One of the key roles of NLU is to interpret the intent and sentiment of texts. NLU analyzes the context and the way words are used to determine what the user is trying to convey and how they feel about it. This is crucial for applications like virtual assistants and customer service platforms, where understanding the user’s intent and sentiment can lead to more effective and personalized interactions.

How does Copilot use NLU?

Copilot leverages NLU to enhance user interactions by understanding the context and intent behind user inputs. When a user asks a question or makes a request, Copilot uses NLU to parse the text, identify key entities, and determine the user’s intent. This allows Copilot to provide accurate and contextually relevant responses, as in the examples below:

1. Text prompts

  • Customer service assistant: When a user types, “I’m having trouble with my order,” Copilot uses NLU to understand that the user is experiencing an issue and needs assistance, even though the word “help” is not explicitly mentioned.
  • Virtual assistant: If a user says, “Remind me to call mom tomorrow,” Copilot interprets the intent to set a reminder for a specific task and time.
  • Sentiment analysis: When a user writes a review saying, “The product is amazing, but the delivery was slow,” Copilot can identify the positive sentiment towards the product and the negative sentiment towards the delivery.

2. Image prompts

  • Image captioning: When provided with an image of a dog playing in the park, Copilot can generate a caption like, “A happy dog playing in the park,” understanding the context and sentiment of the image.
  • Object recognition: Given an image of a cluttered desk, Copilot can identify and list objects such as a laptop, coffee mug, and notepad, understanding the context of a workspace.
  • Scene description: For an image of a beach at sunset, Copilot can describe the scene as, “A serene beach with the sun setting over the horizon,” capturing the context and sentiment of the image.


Natural language understanding (NLU) is a powerful tool that enables machines to comprehend and interpret human language with a focus on context, intent, and sentiment. Copilot’s use of NLU plays a crucial role in creating more accurate and meaningful interactions between humans and AI. Try Copilot today to experience the benefits of advanced NLU technology in action.

  • Features and functionality subject to change.
  • Articles are written specifically for the United States market; features, functionality, and availability may vary by region.

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