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Dynamics 365

Japan Datacenter Open for Business: Now Serving Japanese CRM Online Customers

We just hit an important milestone in our efforts to bring the best possible service to our customers around the world. Today in Tokyo, we are announcing the general availability of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online served from datacenters located in Japan. With this announcement we join Office 365 and Microsoft Azure in providing the complete Microsoft Cloud for Business to our customers from these local datacenters.

In November we announced our commitment to expand Dynamics CRM Online service availability from datacenters located in Japan and Australia by the end of the first quarter in 2015. We are pleased to make true on this commitment ahead of schedule for Japan, and we are on track to meet our commitment to customers in Australia with a general availability coming soon.

By the end of March, we will be deployed in six global regions with Japan and Australia joining North America, European Union, Asia-Pacific and South America. Over the last year we have expanded CRM Online to be available for purchase in 130 markets, exceeding the reach of our competitors—but who’s counting?

What we’re most proud of is the outstanding service we are providing to our customers around the world. With local datacenters, we can better serve customer needs for data residency, providing the trust and reliance they are looking for. This need is paramount, particularly in industries like healthcare, financial services and public sector where regulatory compliance mandates keeping data in country. In addition to providing a modern, high-performance infrastructure that is secure and compliant, delivering the service from local datacenters also delivers all the benefits of the complete Microsoft Cloud—speed to value, flexibility, continuous availability, and the ability to scale up or down based on the business needs of our customers.

The availability of CRM Online within these local datacenters will come with our deep commitment to high availability and disaster recovery by providing a financially backed SLA of 99.9%, redundancy in the primary datacenter, as well as failover to our secondary location which is also in the region, in the event of a disaster.

For customers who want to safely, securely and easily move their CRM Online instance to the local Japan datacenter, you are just a phone call away. Contact Microsoft through our standard support channels and we will work with you directly on planning your migration.

Together with Office 365 and Power BI, we can provide an unmatched modern sales productivity solution through the security of the Microsoft Cloud Served from regional datacenters. If you are new to Dynamics CRM Online or just need a refresher, sign up for our Concierge Experience and our team will take you through a number of scenarios selected by you, based on your business needs. Now is the time to join other customers who are already realizing the benefits and value that the Microsoft Cloud is delivering to businesses around the world.

Bob Stutz
Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Dynamics CRM