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Dynamics 365

Making Healthcare More Personal With the Right CRM System

As we approach HIMSS 2016, the health industry’s premier technology conference, it’s a good time to reflect on the impact technology has on the Healthcare industry. What’s happening in Healthcare naturally mirrors the broader business environment and what at one time seemed science fiction, is becoming a workplace reality.  For instance, you can now Skype with providers and easily book appointments online and personal digital assistants (Cortana, Suri) are organizing schedules and alerting patients in a variety of ways. But outside these tech-based conveniences, one thing remains true –personal relationships are the foundation of effective health care, and customer relationship management (CRM) solutions are critical to building, nurturing and sustaining these relationships.

At Microsoft, our approach to CRM has always been based on weaving together data and relationship building with a specific emphasis on delivering intelligent customer engagement that is proactive, predictive and personal. Specifically, CRM enables organizations to make more informed and personalized connections with their patients and improve their ability to predictively spot new opportunities, demonstrate transparency, and deliver a unique 360-degree view of the patient.  Our core principle to developing customer engagement solutions is to make sure the application is easy to use and that organizations have what they need to engage their customers.  Our vast partner ecosystem then extends these capabilities in ways that are tailored to specific roles and specific health care verticals.

Today, we are making this more personalized healthcare a reality for our customers. Microsoft Dynamics CRM offers a template that was built specifically for healthcare, enabling health professionals to use patient dashboards; capture medical histories, screenings, and tests; and track different relationships across physician practices and clinics. This role and industry tailored approach helps our customers like Alabama Cares, Ohio HHS, Advocate Health Care, Dartmouth Healthcare and Pinnacle Hospital transform their relationships with their patients.  The excitement of these new capabilities is enhanced when they are applied safely and securely in the Microsoft Cloud.  

So what makes Microsoft different?

  • Security and Trust: Healthcare consumers can expect their health data is safe and secure.  At Microsoft, security and trust are top priorities and our Trusted Cloud services help our customers create solutions that meet the highest industry standards and government regulations. Our CRM government cloud meets the stringent requirements of the US federal government and received Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) authorization to operate (ATO) with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 
  • Seamless Integration with the best technologies: With Dynamics CRM and seamless integration with other Microsoft technologies, offering our customers  the full power of the Microsoft cloud, the groundbreaking productivity capabilities of Office 365 and the intelligence of Power BI to help bring data and insights to the fingertips of doctors, nurses and health administrators around the world.  Our customers have told us they love the integration of their CRM system with the productivity tools they already rely on – like Outlook and Office – this integration can ease the transition process into a new CRM system leading to faster internal adoption and patient satisfaction.

HIMSS is a great opportunity for the health care industry to get together and we look forward to sharing our latest features, capabilities and innovations with you in Las Vegas to ensure that you will be able to leverage data, intelligence and insights in a personalized way.  If you are in Las Vegas for the conference, Come visit us at HIMSS 2016.  Or if you aren’t able to make it out to HIMSS this year, be sure to check out the Healthcare section of our website.