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Dynamics 365
1 min read

Sales agreement functionality when linking to Sales order lines

There was a scenario that was recently discussed when attempting to link sales agreements to sales order lines.  In this scenario, let’s say we created multiple sales agreements each having one line as referenced below.

     Sales agreement 1
          Line A
     Sales agreement 2
          Line B

To continue with this scenario let’s say we created a sales order that we’ll call Sales order 1 with a relation to Sales agreement 1 and added Line A which inherited the setting defined in Sales agreement 1 – Line A.  Line A would inherit the settings from Sales agreement 1 – Line A.  Now, if we added Line B to Sales order 1 and attempted to link this line to Sales agreement 2 as referenced below, the system would not allow us to.

     Sales order 1:Sales agreement 1
          Line A:Sales agreement 1
          Line B:Sales agreement 2

The reason for this stems around this scenario not being supported in the current design of AX 2012.  This is due to the nature of how sales agreements are linked to sales orders which are linked on the header level.  However, if we create a sales agreement with multiple lines as referenced below.

     Sales agreement 1
          Line A
          Line B

Then, create Sales order 1, define the link to Sales agreement 1, add Line A and Line B as referenced below.

     Sales order 1:Sales agreement 1
          Line A
          Line B

With this configuration, Line A and Line B will inherit the settings defined in Sales agreement 1 as expected.

John B.