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#NABShow Press Release: Microsoft Demonstrates Vision for Simplifying the Digital Supply Chain

Although Microsoft Business Solutions (the business division in which the Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM products are housed) is (obviously) a part of Microsoft, I like many of my colleagues, still get people talking to me about Office and Windows when we tell them where we work. Understandable really considering the success and market share that both of those product lines share – but who is to say that Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM won't be there some day? We have a long way to go before we call ourselves the #1 MM ERP solution but that is certainly what we are striving for and although only an integrated approach that encompasses everything from marketing to sales and development to operations plus some more will enable us to achieve that, one thing that will not harm our cause is aligning more tightly to the rest of Microsoft wherever we can. And that is what we have been doing and will be doing more of.

Ross "The Sheriff" Thorpe has been keeping us posted (quite literally) on developments on the Office and SharePoint 2010 launches and how they relate to the world of Microsoft Dynamics ERP (you will see a lot of paralells in the messaging and way in which products are positioned.) Another way in which we have shown closer integration with the 'greater' Microsoft is through industry events and being a BIG part of Microsoft show stands at events like #NRF10 and #NABShow and ensuring a strong AR/PR cycle. 

Back in January at NRF Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail featured in the MYDIN press release and we released the 3 other press releases at the event below:

Earlier this week and today I blogged about 2x new press releases from the #NABShow and I wanted to take the opportunity to highlight the 3rd one to come out of the show this week that has a very large Microsoft Dynamics ERP (& CRM) focus and really highlights some very interesting developments in the Services industry and in particular the media and entertainment vertical.  

Read the press release here.


Luke Shave
ERP Industry Marketing Manager   

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