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Dynamics 365

Differentiate your business with exceptional field service

Quick; think of a business that provides excellent service each time you interact with them. Are you likely to remain loyal to their brand? Have you raved about them to your friends and family? Chances are good that if a company has truly impressed you, you’ve told someone about it.

Defying expectations with superior field service

Simultaneously improving customer satisfaction and resource productivity is a challenge. In the past, if you spent a lot of time with a customer to make them happy, your productivity decreased, or vice versa: if you tried to fit a few more appointments into each day, you might compromise on work quality or customer interactions.

Today, with Dynamics 365 for Field Service enabling digital transformation, field service organizations can finally improve customer satisfaction and improve resource productivity at the same time. When organizations transform the typical onsite care experience into positive customer engagements, they build loyalty, encourage brand advocacy, and improve their bottom line.

Here are some of the reasons why it pays to transform your field service organization:

  • Service comes before brand: According to the Harvard Business Review, a dramatic shift has taken place over the past ten years, in which businesses’ customer relationships have become twice as important as brand value in determining an enterprise’s overall worth. Due to technological shifts, consumers are less likely to be loyal to a brand name and more likely to differentiate based on service. At the same time, technology has given companies more direct access to customers, making it easier to provide the personalized service they seek. [1]
  • It’s easy to impress: Organizations that operate in the field are in a prime position to set themselves apart through personalized service because high-touch interactions are so common within the industries they serve. Each time your company solves a customer’s problem quickly, responds to their needs effectively, or otherwise makes their life easier, you build positive sentiment. Businesses can do this in many ways: by allowing customers to schedule more easily, narrowing the window in which a technician may arrive, or offering real-time updates on when to expect service.
  • Technicians can be marketers, too: Positive customer experiences beget repeat customers and referrals. These days, technicians are some of your best marketers and salespeople. The bulk of the customer experience occurs during interactions with technicians, so interactions that go well or exceed expectations build valuable relationships with individual customers and may lead to capturing new leads or opportunities in the field.
  • Customers and companies both save time: Connected field services allows an organization to detect, troubleshoot, and resolve issues remotely so technicians are dispatched only when necessary. In a traditional field service organization, the customer has a problem and calls to get it fixed. A technician is dispatched with the customer’s history and record of the concern call only. Connected field service eliminates the customer concern by attempting to complete self-healing repairs remotely before sending out a technician. Organizations can identify and solve problems at minimal cost before the customer even becomes aware of them.

Learn how you can set your field service organization apart

Register for a live webinar with Barbara Giamanco, CEO of Social Centered Selling; Sean McDade, CEO of PeopleMetrics; and Steven Lakawicz, Director of Research and Development at PeopleMetrics, to learn how you can differentiate your business with connected field service. You’ll learn how to use data to improve customer satisfaction, plus best practices for delivering exceptional customer experiences. Sign up here.

Sign up for this session today!


[1] Binder, Christof and Dominique M. Hanssens, “Why Strong Customer Relations Trump Powerful Brands,” Harvard Business Review, 2015,