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Dynamics 365

Becoming a Dynamic Sales Team

I spend a lot of time talking with sales executives and sales professionals. I present at industry conferences; I speak with our prospects and customers, and I participate in online communities where sales people congregate. In the last year a key theme has been: How to transform the way we sell given customers are much more empowered than ever before. They have instant access to information, they have more choices, they are connected to their social networks, and they have a lot more power. In fact, a recent CEB study found that on average, customers are now a full 57 percent of the way through the purchase process before ever contacting a supplier. They are increasingly getting information from web sites, search engines, videos, from their social networks and from your competitors.

Given this rise of the empowered customer, just about every sales executive I talk to is grappling with how to stay ahead of the competition, how to equip their sales teams with modern selling tools, and how to create compelling customer engagements that lead to enduring customer relationships.

So, what do you do, and how do you get started? In our newly released whitepaper: The Dynamic Sales Team I discuss the important trends impacting the sales profession, and I outline the four essential characteristics to becoming a Dynamic Sales Team – the successful sales team of the future. I also share best practice examples of customers like CSX Transportation, Volvo Construction Equipment, ISS Belgium and Insphere Insurance Solutions who are using solutions like Microsoft Dynamics CRM to get more closely connected to each other and to their customers. Technology is a key part of becoming a Dynamic Sales Team, but only as an enabler of people – your employees and customers. A Dynamic Sales Team is empowered with the right tools – ones that provide actionable insight, enable information sharing, and make people more productive – anywhere, anytime.

Are you looking to transform the way you sell? Are you part of a Dynamic Sales Team? Take a look at the whitepaper and let us know your thoughts.

Until next time,

Seth Patton