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Claes Norell articles

Claes Norell headshot
Claes Norell
Senior Partner Technical Advisor
<1 min read

IDMF – Configuration Setting – UpdateMasterSyncTablesPostMetaDataSync 

Consider a scenario where you are using IDMF 2.0, and you find that after each IDMF Metadata sync the Master table list gets refreshed and you then have to manually sort out the list each time by unchecking/checking tables as Master tables. Well, there’s a simple way to change that default behaviour: 1. Update AXDataManagementSchedulerService.exe.
1 min read

DIXF on SQL 2014 – Cannot Preview source file – CommunicationException – An error occurred while receiving the HTTP response from DMFServiceHelper.svc 

Consider a scenario where you are importing data using DIXF, and you get an error when you try to “Preview source file” and you are running SQL Server 2014 SP2 CU10 or CU11. 1. The error The error you see looks something like this: System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException: An error occurred while receiving the HTTP response to http://servernamehere:7000/DMFService/DMFServiceHelper.svc.
1 min read

AlwaysOn – R2 and R3 Kernel Fixes – Handle SQL Server AlwaysOn AG failovers more transparently and gracefully 

We’ve recently released some kernel fixes that improve how Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 and R3 handle SQL Server AlwaysOn AG failovers. The R3 version of this fix is visible on LCS here: LCS | AX 2012 R3 Kernel Fix KB3159596 | Handle SQL Server AlwaysOn AG failovers more transparently and gracefully