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365blog articles

3 min read

Migration Deletion support in Data Migration Manager 

Before reading this post, it is recommended to go through the brief introduction and demo of Data Migration Manager (DMM) available at: After going through the link mentioned above, you would have got an overview of how to make use of Data Migration Manager to migrate huge sets of data.
4 min read

Migrating Notes and Attachments using Data Migration Manager 

In Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0, there was no straight-forward way to import a bunch of attachment into CRM without writing some code. This has changed in 4.0. The Data Migration Manager supports migrating Notes and Attachments (collectively called annotations) to CRM.
4 min read

Importing Data in CRM 4.0 Made Easier 

Let me guess, either you are looking to learn ‘how to import data’ or you are stuck with some issues while importing data. If one of these is the case, then you are at the right place. Importing data into CRM was never this easier.
3 min read

E-mail to Case/Lead Using CRM 4 Workflow 

A frequently asked question is about converting an incoming email into a case (or a lead). If you open an email activity, it has actions to convert it into a case or a lead or opportunity. More commonly, there is a need to automate this process.
4 min read

Pick list and Bit Data Migration using DMM 

Pick list Value Mappings and Pick list Migration: DMM has the potential to efficiently handle your pick list values. DMM uses the concept of Pick list mapping in its Data Map for migrating the pick list values. So what are these pick list mappings?
2 min read

Data Migration: Fundamentals on Data Map 

The following information acts as a continuation to the brief introduction and demo of Data Migration Manager (DMM) available at: To make the most out of the following discussion, please make sure that you have seen the previous content at least once. Data Map: DMM uses a data map during Migration.
3 min read

CRM – Registering Plug-ins Made Easy 

PluginRegistration tool v 2.0 Are you facing problems in registering plug-ins? Are you wondering if you could get a tool to generate the Xml and deploy plug-ins via Import/Export just like the way customizations are deployed? Are you confused with the various tools that shipped with SDK and how to use the registration API?
6 min read

CRM Data Import Tool 

In Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 it is  possible to export the MSCRM data, modify and re-import data using a tool called MSCRM Import. There are two ways to use this tool. You can edit the records of MSCRM views in the MSCRM Update tool and submit them back to MSCRM.