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365blog articles

2 min read

Another View of CRM Data 

[Code examples are on the CRM Sandbox in the downloads section.] MS Dynamics CRM shipped with grid view and form view for displaying data such as account or contact information. However, that does not mean it is the only way to present CRM data. This article will show a way to represent CRM accounts on a map.
7 min read

Many-to-many Relationships in MS Dynamics CRM 3.0 

Ronald Lemmen is not only an CRM MVP, he is one of the most helpful people in the field answering questions for users and programmers alike. So it is with great pleasure that we highlight this guest blogger. The Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 product comes with a predefined set of entities, attributes and relationships.
3 min read

Performing a CRM Data Bulk Delete 

We recently received a question about how to write the code to delete all records returned from a query. Here’s the answer… The following code example demonstrates how to delete bulk data from the Microsoft CRM 3.0 database.
8 min read

Inside Report Prefiltering 

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 includes a report prefiltering capability. In this post I will describe the process by which prefilters are sent to SQL Server Reporting Services for execution as part of the query.  It gives examples of the two methods of enabling report prefiltering when you create a new Reporting Services report.
6 min read

The Power of Bulk Import 

Creating thousands of records one by one in CRM is a tedious job and very time consuming. MSCRM v3 provides solution of this problem as its Bulk Import feature. Bulk import is a tool in MSCRM v3 to import multiple records of an entity to CRM system in one go.
6 min read

Cascaded Security Privileges and Sharing 

Continuing our tradition of introducing guest speakers, here is a post by MVP and Microsoft Partner Scott Colson. Scott is the first guest speaker for 2007. The CRM security model is a complex beast that provides a lot of granular control over who can do what with a given CRM record.
3 min read

Sales Pipeline Report 

We used to have a long list of reports in MSCRM version 1.2. For MSCRM version 3.0 (v3), when we moved to SQL Reporting Services (SRS), many of these reports were consolidated and the number of reports that v3 shipped with was dramatically reduced.
3 min read

CRM Registry Settings 

Today we have a relatively serious topic: Registry Settings. Unfortunately this can be an extremely boring topic – so I have opted for a more casual and sarcastic style. Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 has a boatload of additional settings which many of you might be unaware of.
4 min read

Using Storyboard Prototypes In Your Design Process 

Today, I’d like to share a few notes on a processes we’re using when designing UI features on the CRM team. I’ll also point you to a great toolkit that can help you design and create lightweight UI prototypes of CRM solutions. One of the design techniques we use is to create Storyboard Prototypes.
4 min read

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 Analytics Express: Foundation 

Businesses need information to make decisions and respond quickly to changes in its business operations, competition, and customer needs.  The format and delivery of that information in a consumable and actionable way is just as important as the information itself.  Executives want a high level summary that shows them the health of their business.
1 min read

4 ways to put campaign responses to work for you 

Your organization may send hundreds of thousands of e-mail messages, faxes, direct mail, and other marketing material each year, hoping to grow your business. Using Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0, you can record or capture responses to various marketing campaign activities. Microsoft CRM includes four ways to create campaign responses: Record responses manually.
1 min read

Using Visual Studio to Extend and Customize Dynamics CRM 

The following blog posts demonstrate techniques and tools designed to improve your efficiency and ease of coding when developing applications in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 which make use of the Microsoft CRM SDK.