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365blog articles

5 min read

SMB Marketing Using MS Dynamics CRM 3.0 

 Continuing our series of guest speakers, here is Daniel Petersen of Applied Tech:  We are a 15 employee SMB IT provider who has been using Microsoft CRM in house since 1.0.  Initially, we had been using CRM primarily for the service functionality to track help desk cases and projects we were working on.
2 min read

How do I convert an email into a Lead or a Case? 

Welcome Guy Riddle, CRM MVP and today’s guest blogger: I have been asked this question (and seen it posted in newsgroups) so many times over the past three years that I decided it was time to do something about it. For those of you new to Microsoft CRM, let’s paint a couple of scenarios: 1.
2 min read

Product Costs and Pricing Engine 

This post describes some basics of how the different ‘cost’ fields in the product entity affect the pricing calculations of the products. The definitions of current cost and standard cost may be changed for your own scenarios. But the description below should help understand how these fields affect pricing.
1 min read

Microsoft CRM’s E-mail Subject-Line Tracking Token 

Microsoft CRM puts a tracking token onto the subject line of sent email messages.  This enables us to identify replies as CRM-related, copy them into the CRM system and create appropriate relationships to other records. In CRM 1.x, this tracking code was a rather long, rather ugly GUID, preceded by “CRM:” and ended with “:MRC”.
3 min read

Configurable Cascading Relationships 

Relationships are a powerful concept in CRM letting users easily relate relevant records to each other. For example an Account may have related leads, cases, activities, opportunities, contacts etc… Relationships also define cascading behavior of related records when their parent record is shared, re-assigned, re-parented, deleted or merged with another record.
4 min read

Enabling Notes on Custom Entities after they have been created 

Hello everyone, This is my first blog posting on this site, but many of you have probably been following my other blogs: Invoke Systems (Current), MSN, and MSDN).  The short version of the story is that I was a lead application developer on a .
6 min read

Why Filtered Views Are Cool 

In this article I want to describe my favorite feature from Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0: Filtered Views. Background Dynamics CRM is built on top of a complex SQL Server database.