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Dynamics 365

Czesława Langowska Vliegen [MSFT] articles

Czesława Langowska Vliegen [MSFT]
1 min read

Forms authentication provider stops working after applying May CU for SharePoint 2013 

After we installed May CU for SharePoint 2013 (15.0.4823.1003) we were not able to log with Forms authentication users and the error (404) In SharePoint log we could see the error: Exception trying get context compatibility level: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The site could not be found in the Web application SPWebApplication Name=DynamicsFormsSTS – at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite.
<1 min read

Performance issue running an Autoreport 

If some of the users experience the issuewhile running an auto report even with minimum amount of data, that can because by the client configuration used by the user. Usually you can see thatfor some users the autoreport works very fast while for the others it takes minutes.
5 min read

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Reporting – tips how to improve performance 

There are some tips we can use to improve performance of reports for Dynamics AX 2012. Use static reports. The deployment of static reports is described here: In this way we will safe several calls to Metadata service to get labels values and correct formatting of dates and numbers.