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Dynamics 365

We TOLD you ERP was hot…

Great article to pass along to you all that came into The Edge from a few different sources, written by Doug Barney at Redmond Channel Partner, on a new survey from the IT research firm Computer Economics, (“Technology Trends 2010/2011”) focused on the IT spending priorities for customers in the coming year.  Along with the predictable upgrades to Windows 7 (those 175 million licenses are not just from new computers!), and the lightening hot topic of  virtualization, the third category mentioned as the big spending priority for IT executives is ERP, or enterprise resource planning. 

 According to Kurt Mackie, writing on the survey in Redmond Magazine, “About two thirds of the IT organizations surveyed had ERP systems.  Half of the respondents planned to invest further in those systems or buy new ERP systems for the first time. ERP investments appear to be getting some renewal after stagnating during the recession, the report noted.” We're seeing this across our customer base as well, and although we try to keep things fairly objective and topical here on The Edge, we couldn't be more excited to see this trend validated and Microsoft Dynamics ERP mentioned as a key player ready to take advantage of this trend.  Our friends at Gartner call this movement "Applications Overhaul," and you can plan on hearing a lot about it from us in the coming months as we gear up to help customers on old, outdated, and unscalable platforms upgrade to the new and modern technology, on premise or in the cloud, of the Dynamics ERP portfolio of products. Check out the survey and the associated blog posts if you get a chance to learn more about the big trends this year and how ERP is poised to lead the way!

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